Fun Friday

To help us learn our number bonds quickly, we had a new resource to play with.image image

The mat asked us a question and we had to touch the correct answer with our feet. We had to listen carefully and make sure we did the correct add or take away sum.

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There were also house boards to help us learn our number bonds. The answers could be any number, they did not have to match the number on each house!! This was so that we checked our answers carefully on a white board first.

In ICT we practised our mental skills again and are getting better at counting on to numbers above 20.

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I hope you all have a lovely weekend and that people who are unwell feel better soon.

Terrific Tesco!

Shopping will never be the same again! The boys and girls saw behind the scenes, went into the cool produce fridges, tasted Scottish cheeses, held fish and became detectives looking for Scottish produce by looking at the packaging.image image image image

There was so much to look at and we found lots of foods grown and made in Scotland.image image

This afternoon we wrote Thank you letters to the people who helped us to learn about the food in Tesco.

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Finally we got the chance to eat the pancakes that were being made in the bakery when we were there. They were delicious!!

Fantastic fans

For our mental maths practice today we used the number fans.image

We had to think of our number bonds to 10 and our doubles.image



Everyone is keen to show the correct answer!



Look at the excellent space seat we made in the Learning Zone- it was big enough for Mrs Macleod to sit in.

Tomorrow we are going on our trip to Tesco to find out about where foods come from and how ingredients are processed to make food. I am really looking forward to exploring the store!

A balancing act!

In gym today we did our warm up and then had to come up with different ways we could balance.  We worked with a partner and made up a sequence of 4 balances.  After a bit of practice we showed it to the rest of the class.


***********please make sure the children have a gym kit and indoor shoes on a Tuesday and Thursday for gym lessons.  Also, it might be a good idea to remove earrings on these days too ********************

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Information hunt

As you know, p2 are looking at information handling this term.  Last week the children found examples of information around the school and classroom.  They wrote questions for the class.  Today the questions were made into a quiz.  The pupils had to find the answers by looking around the information tables, lists, register, day planner etc.  They all did very well!

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Homework 25/1/16 – 5/2/16

Homework from 25/1/16 until 5/2/16



We are continuing to make up the phoneme families – the sounds are the same, but the spellings are different. We are continuing to learn the phonemes which sound like I. We have been taught igh and will now be learning i-e as in kite (magic E) and y as in sky.

Look back at the phonemes on your homework blogs and test yourself on the sounds – take the phoneme challenge at home as well as in school.

Homework ideas:

  • Create short rhymes using words from the I sound family: Experiment with words and sounds. The kite flew high in the sky.
  • Write phoneme words in different colours and different shapes.
  • Look for the phoneme in your reading books and any other texts – comics, recipes, instructions etc. and print in the environment; signs in shops, street signs, etc. Make a poster and bring in for our display wall.
  • Try these games to reinforce spelling/phoneme patterns

Spelling words

  • Keep practising previous words and add in your new ones;

you     they     all       are     my     her

two     three   four     five   six     number

well     what     when   where   which   too

how     last     many     miss   more   now

never   other   some     take     them   thing    and add in your new   ones;

again   always     book      cold   day   fast

ask         best         eat       find       gave     home

  • Take the sight word challenge How many can you read confidently?
  • This is a great site for recognising sight and spelling words.


  • A new reading book will usually be given each Friday. The days for reading are Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, so please make sure that pupils have their reading books in their bags so that they can complete reading activities.
  •  Look at the punctuation marks in your story. Are there any question marks?
  • Make up some questions about your story to ask someone at home. Ask them to read your book, then ask “Who is in the story?”, “Where is the story happening?” and so on using who, where, what, when, how and why questions


In class we are continuing to build up our number stories to 20.

Continue to practise adding and taking away within 20, so that calculations are correct. Remember to JUMP from the number you start at!! Draw a number line to help you.

  • Try these mental maths games:

Interdisciplinary Learning

We are learning about traditional Scottish food and drink and this week will focus on Burns’ Night and what happens at a Burns’ Supper

If you have a Burns’ Supper this week;

  • take a photo of your meal and add it to the class display, or
  • write up a menu of what you had to eat.


As we have started to learn about different weather conditions, watch some weather reports and think about/note down what information is given.

    • Bring in printed weather forecasts from newspapers or the web
  • Bring in any news articles about floods and extreme weather conditions such as the heavy snow in Eastern U.S.A.
  • You might be interested in this site!

Drama daaaarlings!

Today we were joined by some P7 pupils in the afternoon which was very exciting. We told them about people who can help us at different times and how we were going to do some drama about these people.image image

Here we are preparing and talking about our roles, what we would say and our actions.



This scene shows that we can’t trust a stranger and should get help from an adult who we can trust such as a policeman.

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These photos show scenes including a teacher, firefighters, a family and lollipop lady, a doctor, dentist and the police. What was your child’s role today? We had some super acting with realistic speech, expression and actions. Have a great weekend, everyone!

Thursday 21st January



Instead of of cubes today, we used pencils and other items to share into groups.



Some people have been practising at home by making groups of toys and adding them together.

In P.E. our skills are improving when throwing and catching and working in teams.image





Move over Tim Peake – P2 are working on the Spacestation repairs!



A super lunar landscape was created in the sand- don’t the silver boulders look effective?






Wednesday 20th January

We tried a new activity during reading time- a word pyramid



It is a useful way to help us think about how words are spelt and we can make the pyramid bigger when we come across lots of longer words in our reading.

During time in the Learning zone, there was the opportunity to build a pyramid, putting the bricks in the correct places to make the wall strong.


When we were exploring the story of 17, we worked in a small group using cubes to find different number stories. Why not try this at home using pencils, cutlery, coins, etc.?

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Tuesday 19th January

We have started our weather topic.  We were talking about temperature and that it can be measured with a thermometer.   We watched a short video about using a thermometer and then played a matching game to help us practise reading thermometers.  We also put a special one on the window to measure the temperature outside.  It was very cold – just above 0 degrees C.

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