We are counting down to Christmas!

We started the day making 3D Christmas cards. We hope you like them (if you are lucky enough to get one!).  After playtime we were very lucky to have a visit from Mrs Tierney.  We had great fun singing, dancing and playing our instruments.  Thanks for coming in Mrs Tierney.  We are getting much better at grid references and even managed to crack the codewords.  We finished off with a trip to the learning zone.  We are looking forward to Christmas but we still have one more day of fun at school.  See you all tomorrow!


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Party and pressies!

We had a great party this afternoon, there was lots of dancing, games and fun! There was a visit from Santa who gave everyone an early Christmas present. The food looked lovely set up in the lunch hall and thank you for contributing goodies for our party. Take a look at the photos for a flavour of the great time we had.



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Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Verbs for Thursday

Today we added a different type of word to our learning about language. We have already found nouns and adjectives, so today we were learning about verbs which are doing/ action words.

image image imageWe thought about verbs in groups and then some people acted out the verbs- sitting, listening and singing.

Then we found all three types of word in this picture

image Can you find any more?

Tomorrow it is Christmas jumper day and also our party- so we should have  a great time. You can wear your party  clothes to school if that is easier rather than changing at lunchtime- the choice is yours. Have a good sleep ready for lots of fun and games.

Feeling good!!

P2 have shown once again how well their skills are developing. This morning they wrote a recount of the pantomime yesterday. There was such a lot of detail in the writing that I felt as though I had been there!

In the afternoon the children were introduced to Origami- the Japanese art of paper folding. We had to listen really hard and follow the instructions on the IWB. It was tricky to manage some of the folds, but look at what we made- a forest of Christmas trees!image


Don’t they look great! We will create another model tomorrow.

There was a lot of warm fuzzy feeling around today after completing the stories of 14 and 15. The children were really proud of themselves.


Keep up the great work everyone.

Exciting Times!

What a day! This morning we had the excitement of finding out about the ISS and Tim Peake rocket flight to join ISS for 6 months.  We watched the rocket take off and we all cheered!  In the afternoon we enjoyed our pantomime.  It was Robin Hood and it was fantastic!

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Groovy grid references.

We talked about using satnav or Google maps to find out how to get directions to different places.  Another way is to plan your journey on a map.  We discussed the grid references on a map and how to describe each square using numbers and letters and how they could be used.  Simple grids were easy to understand but it got very tricky as the grids got bigger!

BBC Bitesize has a game called Grid Zoo which was a great way to practise our new skills.


Homework 14/12/15 – 22/12/15

Homework from 14/12/15 until 22/12/15



Look for any phonemes in Christmas words- e.g. jingling and Rudolph and write them into your jotter.


How many words can you make from the letters in Father Christmas? Here are some to start off: maths, rich, stitch.

This site has lots of ideas for practising spelling activities:



 There are some online stories for you to read at this site. There are different types of stories including Fairy tales and there are Christmas stories too, however, the British Council and BBC links do not open up.



CBBC also has a lot of activities for Christmas.



 Keep practising addition and subtraction and link this to what we have been learning about money.

Play shops and make the correct totals using coins e.g. 24p = 20p +2p +2p.

Be the checkout person and give the correct change e.g. Item is 14p, customer gives you 20p, so the sum is 20p-14p= 6p so the change is a 5p coin and a 1p coin.


There are lots of activities for using money on the following site, so your child can practise at their level of confidence and extend if they wish to.


This site is fun-packed with so many activities to develop different skills and applications of learning:


Interdisciplinary Learning

How many Christmas sounds can you think of? HO HO HO!! jingle bells, etc.

Have great fun with the activities here! Try the Reindeer Orchestra – it links to our work on sounds and you will play a tune by following the numbered notes. There is a symmetry activity too, so practise all of your learning about symmetry.


One of the best Christmas sites is-

http://www.santagames.net/   there is so much to do and explore – have fun!!

Finally, just to say



Love from Mrs McMillan and Mrs Macleod.



So proud!!

Primary 2, you were fantastic today at both performances. Your singing and actions were brilliant and it was great to see your skills and confidence developing. Keep up the good work!



This morning we were also practising our take away sums and everyone is getting better at jumping along the number line.


Just remember to jump like the frog!

It has been a great week so have a lovely well deserved break.


Super presentations!!

Well done everyone, the presentations today were fantastic! There were some great models of instruments with a lot of work put into them. You answered questions very well and also recorded your class mates on the I-pads. The listening skills were very good and I thoroughly enjoyed the clear voices and eye contact that you made.  Well done.





This is our string section – check out the rockers!!



Our drummers- having great fun beating!







Our movers and shakers!! We had fun making different sounds today.

I am looking forward very much to the Nativity performances tomorrow. You have worked hard with your voices and actions so I hope everyone enjoys your performances.