Homework 2/11/15 – 13/11/15

  • Homework from 2/11/15 until 16/11/15



We have been learning the phoneme a-e (magic E; the e tells the vowel to say its letter name). Continue to practise wh and ng phonemes.

Homework ideas:

Common words:

will, with, that this, them, then

  • Keep practising previous words and add in your new ones.
  • This is a great site for recognising sight and spelling words.


Onset and rime

  • We have started to revise – “in” words e.g. pin, shin, chin, win, etc and making up silly “in” stories. Next week it will be “ab” words,so you make up a silly story to share with us. How about using – fab, grab, dab, crab and so on in your sentences


  • A new reading book will usually be given each Friday. The days for reading are Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, so please make sure that pupils have their reading books in their bags so that they can complete reading activities.
  • Can you find any words with our phonemes in them?
  • Where is your story set? Tell an adult about the setting and how the setting can change in the book.


We have been practising our number bonds to 11 (11 + 0 = 11, 5 + 6 = 11 etc) and adding and subtracting within 11 and 12. These are fun games to help you practice: http://www.interactivestuff.org/sums4fun/colquiz.html



Have a look for symmetrical patterns or shapes in your house. Draw them into your thinking jotter. Why not try creating symmetrical patterns at –



HWB/Interdisciplinary Learning

We have been learning about keeping healthy by choosing healthy foods to eat. Why not try some of the activities here – http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/Activity.aspx?contentId=56&sectionId=61&siteId=14


Remember to tell us about any games you have played on the computer or any other ways that you have been developing your skills for homework.

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