We have been starting to make up the phoneme families – the sounds are the same, but the spellings are different as in a – e, ay and ai all sounding like A.
Homework ideas:
- Create short rhymes using words from the A sound family:
- Experiment with words and sounds.
I can play in the rain, I use a tray on the train, I can see waves from the plane.
- Write phoneme words in different colours and different shapes.
- Look for the phoneme in your reading books and any other texts – comics, recipes, instructions etc. and print in the environment; signs in shops, street signs, etc.
- Try these games to reinforce spelling/phoneme patterns
Common words:
Keep practising previous words and add in your new ones;
you they all are my her
two three four five six number
This is a great site for recognising sight and spelling words.
Onset and rime
We are continuing to practise the onset and rime revised and introduced so far this year: at an ap am it in ab
- Choose your own rime and add the onsets to create the correct number of words.
A new reading book will usually be given each Friday. The days for reading are Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, so please make sure that pupils have their reading books in their bags so that they can complete reading activities.
- Look at the main events in your story. How does the story begin? What is the problem or the main event? How does the story end?
- Use your own words to tell someone what your story is about.
- Try this site:
- Story Sequencer
It is the story of the Three Little Pigs with a sequencing activity, then a storyboard section for children to write the events in their own words.
Continue to look for interesting facts and information around the house.
- Stick a flyer into your jotter and tell us the most important information.
In class we have been learning about the costs of items and comparing values of goods and services.
- Talk with your child about their perceptions of prices
- e.g. Is a loaf of bread dearer than a kettle? Use language such as more than/less than/ dearer/cheaper so that the child becomes used to words associated with using money.
- Continue to make up amounts of money using the smallest and other amounts of coins, e.g. 14p = 10p + 2p + 2p
or 14p = 1p+1p+1p+1p+1p+1p+1p+1p+1p+1p+1p+1p+1p+1p
We will be learning about how to calculate change this fortnight. This links to our work on subtraction and reinforces which coins we use to receive change. If I buy something for 7p and give 10p, how much change will I get? I will get 3p which is 2p and 1p.
Interdisciplinary Learning
We are continuing our experiments with sound.
As a presentation activity, all the pupils will show their musical instrument models to the rest of the class. They will explain their reasons for choosing their instrument, how the model was made and any problems they had to solve.
The presentations will probably be held on 10th and 11th December in class
Remember to tell us about any games you have played on the computer or any other ways that you have been developing your skills for homework.