lundi le quatre mai

Bonjour mes amis,

We’re all refreshed and energised, ready for another week of amazing opportunities to learn and develop new skills – not just academic lessons, but knitting, sewing, crafting, technology – like Lego and Knex, jigsaws, making your bed, sorting your laundry – all sorts of skills! See the source image

Keep looking at the school blog – there are lots of links to learning in different ways.

I just want to congratulate  our friends for their success over the past few weeks.  See the source imageIt’s great to see how you are progressing and the amount of effort that you are demonstrating.

Sumdog Champions

RC – week 1, Co B – weeks 2 and 3, and last week, Ca B, ML and RP.

Spelling successCa B, Co B, AD,  RK, PM, NM, TM  and SR

Grammar challenge  – LF

Thanks to Ca B for the photos which were put onto the school blog. It was lovely and made me very happy to see you working and developing different skills – keep up the good work!!


You all know the routine by now, so here comes your spelling for this week. Copy out the key words 3 times using one of the spelling strategies in your homework polypocket, or make up your own way of practising them.

Follow the instructions for Spelling Focus A, B and C.

The next sections link to words which some of you have in your own word walls . As you can see, we are learning about how to use a suffix to make an adjective.  Notice that the suffix ful only has one l.

Finally, in the extension, you are replacing the y with an i (which links to your learning from  last week).

Write the date and I can use the suffix “ful” correctly.

Please traffic light and write a comment about your learning.


The new inter- class Sumdog competition is open and this time the focus is addition and subtraction, so let’s get calculating!

Here’s our new look mental maths starter. Please let me know what you would like to practise and I’ll put in any requests. 😄

 Now for your learning focus – I can compare numbers using signs

Remember that the sharp corner points to the smaller number and the open side is closer to the larger number.

See the source image

Here’s a good video to revise using symbols and it builds up from units to hundreds.

I know it’s Christmassy (look, I’ve made an adjective out of a noun) , but it’s a good exercise to get you thinking about number ordering!

This video demonstrates how to compare 4 digit numbers

This task is an extension to take you up to 4 digits.

Here’s a fun game for you to practise comparing numbers using signs.

Check out these online learning opportunities, they might have a subject that really captures your imagination!

……. and I’ll be back with you all tomorrow – same time, same place ! See the source image

Sumdog Competition results

Congratulations to our friends in P4 who are again the winners of the inter-class challenge.

See the source image

However our score was excellent and it was very close, I’m delighted to see your skill levels improving.

Well done to RP – 2nd place, ML – 4th place, CB – 5th place, PM – 7th place and all the people who were just outside the top 10 places – great accuracy! ANOTHER competition is set up for Monday until Thursday, this time addition/subtraction, so there’s plenty of time for us to catch up. 

A big shout out also to CB for excellent spelling on Sumdog this week – well done!

vendredi le premier mai

Happy May Day to you all.

I have been having some problems getting into Sumdog this morning, buy hopefully things will be okay for you later. Our positions are now- 2, 4, 5, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20. If the people in the teens could answer double what you already have ( below 100) then we have a good chance of winning. Come on, team, we can do this! Anyone who hasn’t already started the competition, we need you too!

It’s time to check those spelling words, so who will be helping you today and reading them out for you? Make sure that you thank them for helping you with your learning!


Today I want you to use your research skills to find out about May Day.  Look at any information from research sites, or even get in touch with some older family members to find out whether they celebrated May Day.

Use your note-taking skills to find out facts about how May Day is celebrated. Think of ideas such as the history, where it is celebrated, any particular flowers (France) , how it is celebrated? The fact that it is a Public holiday in many countries, how do workers celebrate their Rights on this day?

See the source image

Now that you have some notes, you will need to organise them to create a new text and today you are using your skills for……..

I can write an information leaflet about May Day

I have said, write – but you could type out or create a PowerPoint if you want to.  This is a great reminder of the important points to remember as you organise your facts into sections.

So, you will need:

  • An interesting front cover, with a large title and suitable illustrations
  •  Headings (carefully underlined) for each paragraph of information. You might want to include a question as a heading e.g. Did you know that ……?
  •  Keep the paragraphs short and to the point.
  • Use your own words and use a dictionary if you are not sure of the meaning of any words. PLEASE DO NOT JUST COPY AND PASTE!!
  • Illustrate your points, with captions if needed.
  •  Plan the information/facts carefully before the final draft, so that the leaflet reads well and the information follows through without being mixed up.
  •  Apply all of your punctuation, spelling and presentation skills to produce a leaflet/presentation to be proud of.

Ask someone to look at your work leaflet and assess it against the criteria in the list above. Would you be a Star Writer this week?


Okay, everyone, let’s get onto that Sumdog competition and have one last huge effort to see whether we can be the champions this time!!  You are a great team, so let’s all pull together!!

The focus for today’s maths lesson is telling the time. We revised o’clock and half past, so today we are going to have a look at quarter past and quarter to. Please watch this video, as it shows the skill of reading these times very clearly.

Please date, I can read and write times using fractions  1/4, 1/2 ,3/4 to help

Write out the times in the 2 ways as I have shown you on the sheet.

For some extra practice, try  telling the time using this game.

See the source image

Take care, stay safe,  remember that I’m thinking about you and miss you loads. x

jeudi le trente avril

Hi there and welcome to another day of opportunities!!

Just to let you know that we are in positions 2, 3, 5 , 6, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 19- so you’re doing really well in the Sumdog Competition. We just need to get more of you into the top 10, so please keep going. Some people are answering thousands of questions!!!🏆

It’s also  See the source image time tonight at 8pm for all the carers. I take out a pan and wooden spoon now, to make even more noise!!

Spelling practice today involves using a phone!

Use the activity for telephone words to practise your spelling.


I have linked your grammar lesson to your spellings for this week. We are learning about comparing nouns using comparative and superlative adjectives and this lesson will develop your skill in thinking about adjectives that don’t follow the rules🤔. However, this link is really useful as it has some good examples and it tells you to think about the number of syllables that a word has e.g. powerful has 3 syllables  pow – er – ful.

In your jotter, write the date and I can use comparative and superlative adjectives correctly.

With this section, you apply the learning from above and what you have already learnt from your spelling words this week. The answers for some words are in the MAKING SURE grid, too!

For the punctuation section, read for meaning! You may have to create new sentences or use commas for pauses. Remember the rules for capital letters and each sentence should have an end mark of some sort!!

Please traffic light your work and, as usual, write a comment about your understanding of the skills you are practising.


As today’s starter, do your bit to help us win the inter-class competition! Play Sumdog for at least 20  minutes and I’ll check on the scores later today.

We will continue to multiply and divide by 10 and 100. Use the information from last Thursday, to remind you of the strategies for multiplying/dividing by 10/100. Remember the importance of the place values. Please date and I can multiply/divide by 10/100

When you traffic light and comment think about whether using the strategy has become easier and you are more confident.

This link let’s you practise your times tables in a different way.

I thought you might like to try a piece of artwork, in the style of Romero Britto. This is my attempt and it’s especially for you –  if you look carefully in the top  right hand corner, then you will see all your initials.

Here are the sites that I looked at, but there are many other examples if you are interested. Please remember to keep any artwork that you create.

mercredi le vingt-neuf avril

Bonjour la classe !See the source image

Please remember to log any activities onto the Get Set link from last Wednesday, we’re not getting very far!

Let’s get ready to rumble with some spelling practice. Go onto Sumdog and play some of the spelling games for 10 minutes, there is a challenge including 10 words from the previous 3 weeks.


Before Easter, I added this link to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I now want you to use the information from Chapter 7, to identify words that the author, Roald Dahl, has used for effect.  Some of you might have a hard copy of these pages in a polypocket, so you could use that to text-mark. This work links to two important skills:I can identify language the author has chosen to use to capture the reader’s interest and imagination and I can identify language the author has used to create images and build mood and tension.

Read along and listen to the chapter being read, and in your jotter, under the I can headings which are highlighted in red above, identify words and phrases that you think are effective and explain why.

Here is one example, –  Charlie sat nervously – the word nervously is effective because Charlie doesn’t know if this bar will have a golden ticket and he knows that it could be a real disappointment for everyone. Imagine how you would feel if you were Charlie.  Roald Dahl is building the mood and the tension. 

Another example, – the use of italics to emphasise thoughts and ideas.

Remember that you need to explain why you find the words and phrases effective, how did they make you feel, did they build the mood, like nervously? Please traffic light and comment on your learning.


Go onto Sumdog and take part in the Competition today for at least 10 minutes, try to finish a level and achieve progress in your own skills. Well done to ML, PM and DB who are in the top 10 of the competition- please keep going, I don’t want you to lose your places👍🏻!

We have been revising different strategies for adding and subtracting, so today we will look at using number lines to calculate.

These videos are a great reminder of how to use an empty number line.


In your jotter –

date, I can add and subtract using an empty number line

then draw straight number lines and jump the place values to calculate the following sums. Check whether you are adding or taking away!!

  1.   547 +  231  =
  2.   826  –  305 =
  3.  191  +  527 =
  4.  445  +  655 =
  5.  687   –  389 =
  6.  330   –  147 =
  7.  221  +  435 =
  8.  1000 – 764  =
  9.  509  + 299 =
  10.  989  –  898 =

Remember to traffic light and comment on your number skills.

Start to create a poster/handy hints list for our mental maths strategies including some examples and build onto this when you get a good idea. We have done something similar in class, but now your skills should have developed so that you can explain more strategies. Here is one idea, but it doesn’t include any examples. I am sure that you can create some amazing and really helpful strategy work, by looking back at your home learning.

See the source image

Enjoy the rest of your Wednesday!  I’ll be back with you tomorrow!

See the source image

mardi le vingt-huit avril

– it’s National Superhero Day!See the source imageSee the source image

No matter if your favourite heroes are real or fictional it is a day to be thankful for them. No matter if they wear masks, capes, scrubs or uniforms, all people who are doing important jobs at this time deserve a well- deserved shout out for whatever they do.  Who do you think of as a real life superhero?

Spelling – compare the superheroes using ier and iest

e.g. Iron Man is funnier than Batman,  but Hulk is the funniest. Use words from yesterday’s extension work and here are a few others to help.See the source image

For your main task, I thought you might like to create your own superhero comic strip, either in your jotter or on a pc, using some cool features.   I can create a superhero comic strip

Here is an example of a cartoon strip

Here is a link to some handy hints for writing your superhero cartoon strip.

Remember that you could be the superhero staying at home, washing your hands and helping to keep others safe or a family member might be a keyworker doing their work to keep things going!

Make your comic clear,  colourful  and have fun!! 


As a starter today, let’s focus on mental strategies for addition.

Play this game, go to addition section and select the level that you feel most confident with – obviously, you don’t pick a level which is super easy and leave it at that!! You keep your brain working, think about and apply the skills that you have been practising.

One of the strategies we use to add and subtract is the knowledge that 9 and 11 can be used as 10 and adjusted.

56 + 9    =   56  + 10  = 66       then adjust   66 – 1= 65

56 + 11   =  56 + 10  = 66      then adjust    66 + 1  = 67

We can then use this strategy for other numbers near to multiples of 10  e.g.  147  +  29     147  +  30  = 177   then 177 -1= 176

£ 859 – 51  = 859  – 50 = 809  then -1 = £808

Number  Date and I can add and subtract using adjusting

Remember to put in £ signs when you need them!


Finish off with some mental subtraction to find the superheroes.

I will be back on the blog for all my P4/5 superheroes tomorrow, so until then ……  


lundi le vingt-sept avril

Here we are again, the start of another week!

Smile and get ……See the source image

This week, there is going to be another Sumdog competition between Primary 4 and ourselves based on Place Value, so let’s see if we can be the successful class this time! It is all set to go this morning, so don’t delay!! We need as many people joining in as possible, please.See the source image

See the source image

Okay, so let’s get on with today’s learning.

Spelling – Words ending in ier and iest

With these words we are comparing the level or amount of something e.g. happy, happier, happiest and as you can see, the y has been changed to an i.  So here, you are seeing the reason for some of the spelling rules that you have already seen in your own spelling walls.

Please write or type out your words 3 times, checking that they are correct!

Please read the information and then follow the examples to complete your tasks. Write the date, I can use ier and iest to compare words correctly and as usual please traffic light/ comment on how you got on with learning and applying the skill.

This quick quiz will help you to learn the rules for adding these endings.


Here is your morning maths starter. Again, lots of maths skills to keep your mind active and help you to apply different number functions.

Number – Reading and writing numbers

When you write the number in words, you write it as you would say it  e.g. 56, 738  is fifty six thousand, seven hundred and thirtyeight. You must remember to put in the and and  hyphen  if you need to. There is no excuse for incorrect spelling as I have provide you with all the words that you will need!

So, now it’s time for you to practise reading and writing numbers with 4 and 5 digits. Write the date and I can read and write numbers correctly.  Follow the instructions and explain why some of these are wrong by referring to place values etc.

To finish off today, this game focuses on place value headings and also revises multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100.

Have you tried the relaxation links that were on the school blog? I tried Mrs McMillan’s “Take a Moment ” activity and found it really useful.

Well, everyone, catch up with you tomorrow, and don’t forget the Sumdog competition and logging any activity onto the Get Set link from last week.

vendredi le vingt-quatre avril

Well here we are again, at the end of another week of home learning! 

Well done to those who have logged their activities on the GET SET link ( Wednesday’s Blog). Please remember to add in all the activities from yourself and your family, too!

It’s Friday – so you know what that means! Who is going to check your spelling for this week? The words are easy – remember that they all end in the same letter! Do you give yourself a treat if you get them all correct?

Our writing focus this week involves your spelling words and any other words that you can rhyme with them.

You are going to be writing a poem about Earth Day.  

We have written acrostic poems and poems which have rhyming word endings, so your spelling words would be great, but I will leave the choice  of style up to you. The information from Wednesday’s lesson will help you with themes and words that you might use.

Now – here’s the exciting part! If you take a look at this site       you will see that there is a section where you can send your poem to the site and there is the possibility that it could be published online! How cool would that be?!

Whether you want to send your poem or not, please make sure that you spell and punctuate your work correctly.

In your jotter please date and write I can write an Earth Day poem but you can give your poem its own title; and at the end, traffic light your work and add a comment.

Something a little different for maths today. When Mrs Keith came in to see us a few weeks ago, we were thinking about problem solving and enquiry and the different questions that we needed to ask ourselves. For this task you will need coins. Just follow the clues and move your coins around in the row until you have matched the clues.  In your jotter write the date, I can solve word problems involving money, and draw your answers.

For this task, you are asked to look at the dice and imagine what would be on the other side of the dice using the clues. For the second question, do not use the dice totals shown – use all of the information that you have been given.

This site has lots of word problems to look at and you can try different number operations add/subtract or multiply/divide

In case you are missing learning about the Vikings, this is a great site for learning about lots of different topics. I have included the link to Viking myths, but feel free to look at anything that interests you.

As always, I would love to hear how you are getting on so please use the comments link to keep in touch. Let me know if you submit a poem to the poetry zone site and I will keep a lookout for it. I hope that you have a safe and relaxing weekend.  See you next week!

See the source image

jeudi le vingt-trois avril

Here is a useful French sentence   Je me lave les mains – I wash my hands. I hope that you are continuing to use soap and hot (as hot as is comfortable) water and washing your hands for 20 seconds!

See the source image

For today’s spelling practice, write the y ending words without the y, so that they are nouns ( can you do this with all of them or are there any odd ones out?). If you can spell the nouns correctly, it is easy to pop the y back on the end, when you need to.

Our literacy focus today is the past tense of verbs. Lots of verbs end in d or ed, but then there are others which can be very different.

This link will help you to think about the correct words. Another handy hint would be to think about what you would say in class!

This link takes you to the past tense of lots of irregular past tense verbs.

So, let’s try out what we’ve learning about the past tense of irregular verbs.

Please write the date, I can change verbs into the past tense correctly and traffic light at the end of your work.

The instructions and examples are clear for you to follow, so please read them carefully.

How are your times tables coming along?

 See the source image

Here’s a great mash-up to help you improve your recall and identify the patterns.

For our focus today, I want us to look at multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100.  Remember to think about how many places a digit has to move, and which way for the number to become bigger (x) or smaller (÷). In class we used whiteboards to practise, so find a way to check the place values before you write the answers in your jotter.

This video is a good reminder of how to use place values to help you calculate these sums.

Here are some examples of how I have taught you to x and ÷ by 10 and 100, to help refresh your memories! Please use this place value chart to help too!

See the source image

So, please write the date and I can multiply and divide by 10 and 100. Follow the instructions and for the problems, just think logically and carefully. Does the number get bigger/smaller? How many place values have the digits moved? Put the numbers under the chart to help you.

Here’s a cool interactive site to help you with your multiplying and dividing by 10, 100, and 1000!

As we are still experiencing strange times, like Christians celebrating Easter and Jews celebrating Passover during the “Lockdown”, it is another special day, today! It is the start of the Muslim month of Ramadan. This link is entitled “What is Ramadan?”

There are lots of other sites, including this report from Newsround.

See the source image



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