lundi le quatre mai

Bonjour mes amis,

We’re all refreshed and energised, ready for another week of amazing opportunities to learn and develop new skills – not just academic lessons, but knitting, sewing, crafting, technology – like Lego and Knex, jigsaws, making your bed, sorting your laundry – all sorts of skills! See the source image

Keep looking at the school blog – there are lots of links to learning in different ways.

I just want to congratulate  our friends for their success over the past few weeks.  See the source imageIt’s great to see how you are progressing and the amount of effort that you are demonstrating.

Sumdog Champions

RC – week 1, Co B – weeks 2 and 3, and last week, Ca B, ML and RP.

Spelling successCa B, Co B, AD,  RK, PM, NM, TM  and SR

Grammar challenge  – LF

Thanks to Ca B for the photos which were put onto the school blog. It was lovely and made me very happy to see you working and developing different skills – keep up the good work!!


You all know the routine by now, so here comes your spelling for this week. Copy out the key words 3 times using one of the spelling strategies in your homework polypocket, or make up your own way of practising them.

Follow the instructions for Spelling Focus A, B and C.

The next sections link to words which some of you have in your own word walls . As you can see, we are learning about how to use a suffix to make an adjective.  Notice that the suffix ful only has one l.

Finally, in the extension, you are replacing the y with an i (which links to your learning from  last week).

Write the date and I can use the suffix “ful” correctly.

Please traffic light and write a comment about your learning.


The new inter- class Sumdog competition is open and this time the focus is addition and subtraction, so let’s get calculating!

Here’s our new look mental maths starter. Please let me know what you would like to practise and I’ll put in any requests. 😄

 Now for your learning focus – I can compare numbers using signs

Remember that the sharp corner points to the smaller number and the open side is closer to the larger number.

See the source image

Here’s a good video to revise using symbols and it builds up from units to hundreds.

I know it’s Christmassy (look, I’ve made an adjective out of a noun) , but it’s a good exercise to get you thinking about number ordering!

This video demonstrates how to compare 4 digit numbers

This task is an extension to take you up to 4 digits.

Here’s a fun game for you to practise comparing numbers using signs.

Check out these online learning opportunities, they might have a subject that really captures your imagination!

……. and I’ll be back with you all tomorrow – same time, same place ! See the source image

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