mercredi le troisieme juin

Hi de hi!! Get ready for another exciting day of new experiences!

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  1. Spelling practice – using alphabetical order , think of more real ow words which follow the same letter patterns. Look up a word if you’re not sure and put its definition (meaning) if it’s a real word.

arrow, barrow, carrow (seed) etc.

yellow, bellow, fellow  etc.

2.   Over the past fortnight we have been using the Contents page and Index of some non-fiction texts to find information.

As you can see, there are lots of Non-fiction sources of information and I’m sure that you can think of even more!

Today we are using some different non-fiction text features to find out information. In this activity we are using captions, photographs, headings and a chart to answer questions about famous bridges.

Write the date and I can use non-fiction features to find information

  • Answer in full sentences or follow the instructions presenting your work neatly using your best joined handwriting.

Handy hints

For questions 6 and 7 use a dictionary or use the online dictionary link

3.  Traffic light and comment on your skills using non-fiction features to select the correct information.

4. I have allocated a number of non-fiction books about bridges onto your Epic account for all of the STEM enthusiasts out there!


  1.  Use one of the subtraction games on the daily 10 site. Make sure that you practise next step skills to help you improve your mental maths.
  2.   Today’s focus is on subtraction and we will revise how to subtract using the formal method, including tenths

Handy hint

  •  Take one column at a time  and make sure you have made any exchanges only if you need to.
  •  If you have exchanged  make sure that you take 1 away from the column you have exchanged from.
  •   Look at the example to help

3. Traffic light your work after you have checked it for mistakes and comment on how your subtracting skills are progressing.

4. Finisher – try your subtraction skills using this game.


The Rights Respecting assembly on the school blog is about Article 28 – the Right to an education, one of our favourite Rights on our Class Charter. Have a look at some of the information there and have a sing along to one of our favourite assembly songs.

Today in literacy we were learning about some famous bridges. Here is a link which takes you to some STEM engineering projects that you might be able to do at home. See the source image

Have a great day and remember to ……

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mardi le deuxieme juin

Let’s go for it everyone, let’s have a TERRIFIC TUESDAY!

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  1.  Spelling practice – write your key words in joined handwriting. Pay attention to the formation and size of your letters.

2.  Handwriting.

Here is the link again to the joins that you will need  to use today.

Here is a reminder of the letters in each set and how they are joined.

2. Write the date and I can practise different letter joins.

The words being spelt are words that we have already looked at in spelling – words with silent letters. Think about each word before you decide on its column and then concentrate on how you would write each word using the correct joins.

There are more than just handwriting skills to focus on today. We are revising silent letters and also revising the different sounds that ch can make in words.

Here are some links to refresh your memory and help you concentrate on the sounds that ch can make.

Remember that we have a focus on handwriting, but there is also great spelling learning taking place too. If you are not sure of how to pronounce any of the ch words use the internet, online dictionary or an adult to help. Follow the instructions carefully.

3. Traffic light 🚦 and comment on your joining skills. Does you handwriting  – letter formation, sizing and joins, look like the examples? If it does then great job, please keep up the super presentation in all written tasks. See the source image


  1. Keep practising your times tables using one of these games
  2.  Our focus is on addition and after practising a number of strategies, we are going to practise the formal method with exchange and this time include a decimal place  – the tenths!

Handy hints for success

  • add the numbers together correctly  – did you check?
  •  exchange numbers to the next column
  •  include exchanged numbers in your column addition

3. Traffic light 🚦 and comment on your learning. I am sure that you will be adding with great confidence and accuracy.

4. There are a number of free games on this site to practise different addition strategies

How would you like to create some music?

See the source image

Here are links to some different online instruments for you to try –

Finally, until I see you tomorrow –  always remember that

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lundi le premier juin

A very happy Monday morning one and all!!   We are now is June, and meteorological summer starts today, but the weather has been really summery hasn’t it – beautiful blue skies and lots of warmth! I hope that you’ve been able to get outside and enjoy some sunshine  – yippee!

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Did you get chance to watch the rocket launch and the docking process with the International Space Station? Amazing events!!


It’s Monday, so here are your spelling words for this week. They all end in ow, and as you know these two letters have different phonemes (sounds) . In this case the sound is like O the capital letter.

1. Write your key words out in a colourful scribble design today.

See the source image

2. Write the date and I can spell ow words correctly in all activities.  Follow the instructions and remember to focus on your spelling.

This section includes syllables that we looked at previously.

3. Traffic light and comment on your spelling – any handy hints?


  1. Starter -Use this link to practise different number skills that we have been revising.

2.  Linking in with the fact that today is the first day of the month, we are going to revise ordinal numbers. These are the words that we use when describing the order or position  e.g. I was twelfth in the race and the add on letters when we write a number e.g. I was 12th in the race.

See the source image

2. Write the date and I can use ordinal numbers in real life situations.

Handy Hints

  • These questions only include the multiples of 10 but take care that  you write the ordinal number words correctly in section 4 .

3. Traffic light 🚦 and comment on your ordinal number learning.

4. Finishing task –  look at a line of goods on a shelf at home – kitchen, bathroom , bedroom , books or toys or you could even make up your own shelf of items and think about their order in a sequence.

In this example , on the top row, the hand soap is 3rd from the left. On the bottom row, Milk of Magnesia is 7th from the left.

Don’t forget to look at the WWF site. This week the focus is on jungles so that should be very interesting.

Well, everyone, its time to go so I’ll leave you with this thought-

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vendredi le vingt-neuf mai

Good morning to you all and welcome to another fun Friday!

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Well done to PM and RP for Sumdog spelling rewards this week. The Sumdog house is open and I still have a number of coins that I can reward – so let’s get going!

Great to see that Epic has been used by PM and SR – it’s a site with so many titles and so many interests covered. Well done, girls!


  1.  Spelling check for the qu words this week.
  2.  Focus on writing and in particular thinking about how

  I can create the plot of a story

Watch this clip to remind you of the main features of a story plot.

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This interactive site is great to help you think of ways to construct the main part of your story as it gives you the section ideas.

I have included the plot that I made up on the site too, as an example to get your ideas flowing. When I looked at this in preview, I copied it into a word document and printed it out. You could do this too, if it is easier for you than writing the plot out in your jotter.


3.  Please self assess your writing and then ask someone to read over your story plot and assess it for you.

See the source image

4. As a finisher, this is a fun way to create a silly story.


1. Try out a Daily 10 – has your speed in answering times tables improved?

2. Write the date  and

            I can find factors and multiples of numbers within 100.

Handy hints

  • Use the information from last week if it helps.
  • You do not need to draw out the array patterns, just think about each number and which times tables the number belongs to e.g.  21 has factors of 1, 21, 3 and 7. 1×21/21×1 and 3×7/7×3 = 21. Have copies of the times tables available to help you see factors and multiples if you need them.

3. Traffic light and comment on your learning. You should be feeling confident about your knowledge of times tables.

4. Here are some finisher activities:

An interactive sheet which will help you identify factors and multiples.

An interactive game to really get you thinking about factors and multiples.

Remember that there are lots of sites to help you stay active.

We are nearly at the end of May, can you believe it? Please have a happy and safe weekend; know that I am missing you and thinking about you every single day and I will …….

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jeudi le vingt-huit mai

Happy Thursday everyone! Thank you for making every day special!

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First of all, here’s a link to help you relax before you start work!!


  1. Spelling practice  –  practise using your own activity or try this interactive game.

2.    Focus on Direct Speech

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We have learnt about where to put speech marks and have   practised applying the skill in class but here is a link as a reminder.

Write the date and I can put speech marks into sentences correctly.

Follow the instructions and examples and look at how commas are used! This builds on our learning from last week about commas.

In this section, the sentence is structured in a different way, so you need two sets of speech marks.  So, for the first one:

“Help!” screamed Emma. “I’m drowning!”

Handy Hints

  •  Write in all of the punctuation.
  • Check the examples to help you.

3. Image result for traffic light   and comment on your punctuating skills.


  1. Starter – Practise your 8 x table – remember that it is double 4x table!

2.  Write the date and I can calculate using 8 x table.

Handy hints

  •  Check that you are looking at the correct book and correct price.
  •   Remember £ sign for answers about money.
  •  Check you answers. Have you thought about the multiples of 8 x table?

3. Traffic light and comment on your learning.

4. Finisher –  Take part in the Sumdog times tables challenge.

Extra link

These sites takes you to some French games and activities where you can practise some of your skills.

What a shame that the launch of the rocket didn’t happen because of the weather last night! It should be happening on Saturday, so keep a look out for any further information and I hope that we get chance to see the launch 🚀 for real on Saturday.

Well done everyone, you’re hanging on in there and thank you!

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mercredi le vingt -sept mai

Bonjour mes amis et quelle est la date aujourd’hui?

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Exciting news! Later today, 2 astronauts are being sent to space to join the International space Station. Here is a link so that you can watch preparations this afternoon and watch the launch tonight. It will be a great event to watch. launch

Have a look at the online Rights assembly which today is all about freedom of thought, belief and religion – Article 14. This is a Right that we have explored together in class, too!


  1.   Spelling starter  – building on yesterday’s activity, put all of the key words in alphabetical order.
  2.  Today’s focus is the use of the contents and index pages. This comprehension builds on last Wednesday’s skill of looking for information using these non-fiction text features.

Write the date and I can demonstrate how to use a contents page        and index.

Write the answers clearly in your jotter making sure that you write “quanswers” with enough supporting detail.

Handy hints

Make sure that you know what each sport is about. Here’s a link to an online dictionary to help you explore the sports and find the definitions in Question 5

3. Traffic light and assess your skills using a contents page and index.      Try explaining how to use them to an adult.

4. I have assigned some non- fiction sport books on our Epic site.         Look at the contents and index pages  to find out if the layouts in the books are similar.  


  1.  Practise your  6 x table  with Fred the Red
  2.   Write the date and I can use 6 x table to calculate answers

Handy hints

  • Focus is on using table facts for 6 x table so write out the table if     it  helps.
  • Write out each sum using the correct information
  •  Section 2 you need p after each answer
  • 1 a )  6 x 8 = 48

3. Have a go on one of the Top Marks games

or play the Sumdog challenge that has been put up until the end of the week.

While we are unable to develop our art and design skills together, there are some links to lessons here, which you might like to try out.

I hope that you’ve had a good day and I look forward to catching up with you again tomorrow.

Image result for See You Tomorrow Thursday

mardi le vingt-six mai

Welcome back after the long weekend. I hope that you managed to get some fresh air and have some fun times when the weather was okay.

See the source image


As usual let’s start with your spelling words for the week. As you know  the rule is usually that , a q is always followed by a u. There are some words that don’t follow this rule, but they are not words that you would commonly use.

  1. Write the key words using one of your spelling activities e.g. backwards spelling or mirror writing.

2. Write the date and I can spell qu words correctly in all activities.      The instructions for all the activities are very clear, so take your   time and remember to check you spelling.

After you have written down the 11 words, don’t forget to answer the question – this is an important part of learning about the phoneme.

3. Traffic light and write a comment about your learning.

4.  Finish – there is a Sumdog spelling challenge on qu words open until 2pm on Friday.


This week we are going to focus on multiplication and division.

  1. Practise your 4 times table.

2.  Write the date  and I can multiply by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10.

Handy hints to achieve success

  • Make the sums by checking how many cakes are on each plate  and  make sure that you use the correct coloured plate.
  • 1(a) How many cakes are on 6 red plates?   Write as  6 x 3 = 18.
  •  Section 2 remember the p sign after the answer number because you are calculating money.

3. Traffic light and comment on your learning

4. Finish off by practising your times tables.

An additional link this week takes you to a fantastic site with lots of resources for STEM. Please explore the site and enjoy their resources.

So …. until tomorrow

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jeudi le vingt et un mai

Here we are at Thursday, and because of the long weekend it is our last day together until next Tuesday!

See the source image

A huge shout out to Co B, DB, PM and SR for their contribution to the Sumdog competition this week. Thank you 😊.

Did you get involved in the online Rights Respecting Assembly about Article 12, yesterday all about your views and opinions being taken seriously? You could design a poster, write a letter or just think about the way that your voice is heard.

We are nearly at the end of Mental Health awareness week. I hope that you are keeping in good physical, emotional and mental health during this time. This link takes you to a lovely book which lets us know that having worries is normal, but there are ways that can help us to feel better.

Also, have a look at Mrs McMillan’s latest video to help you relax. I am finding her techniques very useful at the moment.


Due to the short week, you could do your spelling check today and I’m sure that you’ll do really well this week with the et endings.

We are going to focus on nouns today and the rules for creating plural endings. These links are very thorough in describing the rules in a fun way, so enjoy your learning with Mr Spelling.

We are looking at words ending in f or fe.

We are also looking at words ending in o.

Okay, so now we are going to apply what we have learnt in our written task. Please write the date and I can use the correct ending to make plural nouns. Read the information and check the examples carefully to help you work out which ending to use.

For the second question, I want you to revise collective nouns by watching this link

Then complete the section using suitable nouns and collective nouns. If you find certain words challenging, then research the answer.

Remember to traffic light and comment on your work when you have finished. You might like to try this site which practises identifying different plural endings.


Let’s begin with a session on Sumdog  for at least 10 minutes – the competition finishes tomorrow, so let’s keep working on our skills.

Our main focus today is multiplication and I want us to think about factors and multiples.

A factor is a number that you can multiply with another number to reach a target number. e.g. factors of 12 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12,

–  1 x 12, 2 x 6, 3 x 4.

A multiple is an answer in a times table e.g. 21 is a multiple of 7 because it is an answer in the 7 times table (3×7 = 21).

These links will allow you to see the information written down and show you some more examples.

Please write the date and I can identify some multiples and factors of numbers. Just follow the instructions and fill in the gaps.

Please traffic light your work and comment on your understanding of factors and multiples. Number concepts just grow and grow, don’t they?

Here’s a game to help you practise your multiplication skills.

On Saturday, it is the end of the holy month of Ramadan for Muslims. They would normally meet up with friends and family to celebrate Eid al Fitr, but this year things will be very different. I thought that you would be interested to learn a little more about what the end of Ramadan would usually be like.

If you have the ingredients you might like to make some Eid biscuits or get crafty and make a paper lantern.

I hope that you all have a lovely long weekend and I’ll see you again next Tuesday. Stay safe, take care, be kind and remember that I am thinking about you and miss you loads. 🤗


mercredi le vingt mai

Here we are again, back at Wednesday! The weeks are rolling round  and round – aren’t they? It made me think of another song! See the source imageSit back and enjoy this music and history lesson from 1980! How many of the instruments can you name?


For your spelling practice, I have set up a Sumdog challenge of 10 words – some et words and some silent w words.

Today’s focus is all about Non- fiction text features. 

I know that some of us get a bit mixed up with what is a fiction text and what is a non-fiction text, so here is a quick reminder of the main differences.

There are lots of non-fiction text features but we are going to start by looking at two of the most important features for finding information in a text quickly.

Please write the date and I can use the Contents and Index pages of a non-fiction text to find out information.

The instructions are very clear, so read each question carefully and answer in full sentences, applying all of your punctuation and spelling skills. Remember to read over your answers to make sure that they are clear and make sense.  Question 7 asks you to give a definition – the meaning for each word and here is a link to an online dictionary to help.

How did you get on using the Contents and Index pages? Remember to traffic light 🚦 your work and make a comment about your learning. Here are some games where you have to use different non fiction texts to complete the challenges.


For your starter today, please go to Sumdog and practise for at least 10 minutes- it’s the end of the NLC competition tomorrow, so let’s keep going!

This link shows you that when you have to find the difference between two numbers e.g. 67-18, the strategy that you can use is to count up from the smaller number to the bigger number.

Let’s try this strategy ourselves by calculating the answers on this page. It starts by checking your understanding of odd and even numbers and as we know, even numbers have partners and odd numbers have one left out!

See the source image

Please write the date and I can find the difference between numbers.  For question 2a you find the difference between the red and orange discs, so the sum would be 84 – 32. Remember that when you subtract, the biggest number is written first.

For a finisher today, why not add this strategy to the poster you were asked to create, and show some examples of how it can be used.

Have you ticked off any acts of kindness yet? I’m sure that you will be demonstrating great kindness and consideration.😇

Well, we’re at the end of another day of home learning. Goodbye and I’ll be back with you again, tomorrow.

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mardi le dix-neuf mai

A very happy Tuesday, one and all!

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We need you’re help!! The class needs to have more players on Sumdog for us to be in with a chance to qualify in the competition.  Just to let you know that I can now give out coin rewards😁 so you never know, I might be super generous today!!


For your spelling practice today, why not try out one of these tasks?

We are going to practise handwriting today, but as you can see there is a lot of revision of basic vowel digraphs and phomemes, too. The letters use both baseline and horizontal joins, so look at the examples carefully.

This link will remind you of the join formations to different letters.

In your jotter please write the date and I can write words with vowel digraphs. As with all of your work, presentation and progress are important- compare this piece of writing to your last handwriting task. Can you see an improvement?

For the next set of handwriting practice tasks, the letter patterns make different sounds. We have already commented on these before in our own spelling walls, but here is an opportunity to think carefully about the vowel digraphs and the sounds that they make when we say the words.

Please traffic light and comment on your learning – are you proud of it?


As a starter, please play Sumdog games for 10 minutes.

For our numeracy focus today, we will practise adding several numbers together. This is where you can use the strategy of number bonds to 10. If you look carefully at the numbers there are unit numbers that you know equal 10 and multiples of 10. So in Question 1 , look at 22. Is there another number that bonds with the unit 2 to make 10? Yes, it’s the 8! 22+8=30 and from there you can add in the other numbers to find the total.

Please write the date and I can add several numbers to find a total.

For questions 1 to 12, add up the totals as shown in the first answer – hint – look at the numbers carefully before you start to identify numbers that bond together easily.

For question 13. Think about making money totals with the fewest coins.  The answer to question 1 is 49p, so you have to choose the fewest number of stamps to make 49p, only using 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p and 20p values. The stamps would be 2 of 20p, 1 of 5p and 2 of 2p.

When you have finished, please traffic light and comment on your learning.

There are several levels in the number bond section of these games to help your speed and confidence in calculating.

As you know it is Mental Health Awareness Week. Mrs McMillan wanted to share her bloopers reel from her last video to show how we need to persevere and not give up when things are going wrong! We find ways to develop resilience and coping skills to help us when things get tough and we come out of things at the other side with good results like Mrs McMillan’s finished video. Enjoy 😊!

….and from me, who you know gets lots of things wrong- usually the date, have a lovely evening and I’ll catch up with you tomorrow.🤗


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