mardi le dix-neuf mai

A very happy Tuesday, one and all!

See the source image

We need you’re help!! The class needs to have more players on Sumdog for us to be in with a chance to qualify in the competition.  Just to let you know that I can now give out coin rewards😁 so you never know, I might be super generous today!!


For your spelling practice today, why not try out one of these tasks?

We are going to practise handwriting today, but as you can see there is a lot of revision of basic vowel digraphs and phomemes, too. The letters use both baseline and horizontal joins, so look at the examples carefully.

This link will remind you of the join formations to different letters.

In your jotter please write the date and I can write words with vowel digraphs. As with all of your work, presentation and progress are important- compare this piece of writing to your last handwriting task. Can you see an improvement?

For the next set of handwriting practice tasks, the letter patterns make different sounds. We have already commented on these before in our own spelling walls, but here is an opportunity to think carefully about the vowel digraphs and the sounds that they make when we say the words.

Please traffic light and comment on your learning – are you proud of it?


As a starter, please play Sumdog games for 10 minutes.

For our numeracy focus today, we will practise adding several numbers together. This is where you can use the strategy of number bonds to 10. If you look carefully at the numbers there are unit numbers that you know equal 10 and multiples of 10. So in Question 1 , look at 22. Is there another number that bonds with the unit 2 to make 10? Yes, it’s the 8! 22+8=30 and from there you can add in the other numbers to find the total.

Please write the date and I can add several numbers to find a total.

For questions 1 to 12, add up the totals as shown in the first answer – hint – look at the numbers carefully before you start to identify numbers that bond together easily.

For question 13. Think about making money totals with the fewest coins.  The answer to question 1 is 49p, so you have to choose the fewest number of stamps to make 49p, only using 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p and 20p values. The stamps would be 2 of 20p, 1 of 5p and 2 of 2p.

When you have finished, please traffic light and comment on your learning.

There are several levels in the number bond section of these games to help your speed and confidence in calculating.

As you know it is Mental Health Awareness Week. Mrs McMillan wanted to share her bloopers reel from her last video to show how we need to persevere and not give up when things are going wrong! We find ways to develop resilience and coping skills to help us when things get tough and we come out of things at the other side with good results like Mrs McMillan’s finished video. Enjoy 😊!

….and from me, who you know gets lots of things wrong- usually the date, have a lovely evening and I’ll catch up with you tomorrow.🤗


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