mercredi le dix-sept juin

Welcome to wellbeing Wednesday.

The wellbeing theme for today is to connect.

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  1.  Do any of your spelling words connect together? Write down any that you could group together and give a reason for your choices.
  2.   In order to get connected, you are going to invite people to a pretend Zoom or Skype meet, picnic or garden party. 

This link takes you to a reminder of the important information that you need when you write an invitation.

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Here is an example template or you could design your invitation using ICT.

Date and I can create an invitation to an event

See the source image

3. Check your invitation – does it contain all the necessary information for the event?


  1. Sumdog starter – at least 10 minutes on Sumdog maths
  2.  You have already created an invitation for an event, so now you are going to bring different number skills together to organise the budget for the food and drink at the event.

Date and I can budget money to organise refreshments for a party

You have £50.00 to spend on refreshments and the chart tells you how to organise the information.

Handy hints

  •  check how many items are in a pack
  •  use a calculator to check your total cost.

Add up all the costs so that you know how much the party refreshments have cost all together. How much did you spend? Was there any change from £50.00? If there was, how much?

3. Traffic light and comment on your skills in finding out the costs of items and working to a budget.

4. Here’s a site that will help you develop you skills in calculating money and using combinations of coins.


If you can, try to arrange an event with family members (socially distanced in the garden) and enjoy the experience of socialising, eating and chatting with one another.

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So here we are at the end of another day and I will connect with you all again tomorrow! See the source image

mardi le seize juin

Are you ready for a Tuesday full of thoughtfulness?

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Today’s health and wellbeing theme is ….

Image result for take notice for kids

What can I do to value the world around me?

During lockdown, the natural noises have been heard more clearly  and people have had time to notice and enjoy what is around them when going for walks.

Image result for look at nature for kids cartoon

  1. Practise spelling kindness words – please create a wordsearch on
  2.  Today’s language focus is handwriting. By now, I hope that your letters and joins are very impressive!

Read this poem to help you think about the natural world.

Date and I can use joined handwriting to write out a nature poem.

Please copy out the following poem and use the lines as the poet has done.

3. Traffic light and comment on your handwriting – are you pleased with it?


  1.  Join in on Sumdog maths  for at least 10 minutes.
  2.  We are going to continue the nature theme by handling data from a bar graph.

This link will remind you of the important features of a bar graph.

Date and I can use information from bar graphs and charts to find out information.

Answer questions 1 and 3 only. Please show your working for any calculations.

3. Traffic light and comment on your information handling skills.

4. This link takes you to interactive data handling which you can adjust as you become more confident in identifying scale.


Why not use some of these activities to think about the world around you?

or have a look at

Here is the thought for today about the importance of enjoying what we already have and the wonders in the world around us. These natural experiences are great for your health and wellbeing.


lundi le quinze juin

Monday morning greetings, everyone!

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Can you believe that we are starting the last full week of the school year?   Let’s make it a great one !!

This week is going to be slightly different because we will be focusing on different aspects of ……..

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Each day we will focus on one of the ways shown below.

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Today we are going to start with …..

What can I do to show some kindness?


  1. This week’s spellings link to the focus for today, being kind and giving.  Practise spelling these words this week
  • – write them out 3 times and check all the letter
  •  – look up any words that you’re not sure of

kindnesspositive,  supportiveappreciatethoughtfulhappiness, complimentskillfulproudtalented.

2. I would like you to write and give compliments to four people. These can be anybody that you choose, but one must be for a family member.

You could use a template like this or design one of your own.

You could take a photo and send that to the person, text the compliment, write it as a letter or decide on your own method.

I’m sure that it will make someone’s day !!


  1. Go onto Sumdog maths and give your mental maths brain a stretch.
  2. Thinking about the number skills you have been practising I want you to use aspects of this to help you ……

Design a kindness game

  • board game
  • jigsaw puzzle
  •  bingo
  •  make a jar of kindness with different scores for different act  whatever you can think of!

You could use times tables, fractions addition and subtraction, time or even data handling! Here are a few  ideas:

Roll a RAK (Random act of Kindness)

A board using times tables, but add in acts of kindness that people can perform before moving on.

See the source image

or .. include acts of kindness in a snakes and ladders game. The numbers do not have to go 1,2,3,etc, you can make up your own pattern to practice your number learning – go up in 5s, start at 100 and work backwards, all odd numbers etc.

3. Play your game and decide whether it works!


Have a go at some kindness art and crafts. Here’s an example of a complimentary cloud , but there are lots of online ideas for you to look at for ideas.

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I will be back with you tomorrow to look at another one of the ways to wellbeing but I will leave you with this thought …….

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vendredi le douze juin

Got that sunshine in my pocket, got that good soul in my feet ……

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Hopefully after that little Trolls introduction,  you’re all ready for a fun day of learning action!!  No Trolls (pupils) left behind!


  1. It’s spelling check time – do you know your en from your on endings? Now is the time to prove it!
  2.   We are going to create an alternative ending in our writing today.

Watch this video to get some ideas for what makes a great ending for a story and what makes a very unsatisfactory ending.

This is a great film  – based on the traditional tale of Little Red Riding Hood to help you think about alternative endings and different sides of a well-known story.

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Date and I can write an alternative ending to a well known story.

I have given you a writing frame based on Little Red Riding Hood, but you could easily use the sections if you want to think about another traditional tale or well known story.

Have fun and I’m sure that you will be able to write some terrific alternative endings.

3. Read over your ending and think about your ending – is it reflective, a twist or dialogue? Let an adult read your work and put their comment into your jotter, too!


  1.  Starter – continue to develop your skills on Sumdog for at least 10 minutes.
  2.   Our focus today is going to be finding fractions of a number .

This link is a great reminder of how to calculate one fraction and from there move on to answer more challenging fractions.

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Date and I can use division to find fractions of numbers

Handy hints

  • Use the information above to help you with the numerator and demoninator.
  • For 1 (a) the fraction coloured orange is one sixth.
  • Remember that the bigger the denominator, the smaller the part e.g. one quarter is a bigger part than one tenth.

3. Traffic light 🚦 and comment on your understanding of the link between division and finding fractions of numbers.

4. Practise your fractions skills by trying out some of these games.


Here’s a link to the Newsround channel where you can find out about some of the important issues like people coming together to reject racism that have been a focus this week.

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I will be back with you next week, so until then…. have a safe, relaxing and happy weekend.

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jeudi l’onze juin

Bonjour, mes amis! I hope that you are ready for action this Thursday morning.

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Did you get involved in the online Rights Assembly? It was all about Article 15- freedom of association, which is very interesting.


  1.   Spelling –  Try this activity called 30 Second Words

Write a television commercial using all of your spelling words,  then read it to a parent or sibling.

2.   Today’s focus is possessive nouns and the use of the apostrophe to show possession or belonging to.

Here are more videos to look at and some interactive practice tasks. please stop after activity 1.

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2. Date and I can add the apostrophes in the correct place to show possession.

  1. The clown had not turned up for the childrens party.
  2. Clara had borrowed Rebeccas pencil without asking.
  3. The babies bottles were all being cleaned at lunchtime.
  4. The volcanos crater was rocky and steamy.
  5. The bananas skin was brown and bruised.
  6. The giraffes neck is incredibly long so it can reach the top of trees.
  7. The cat was carefully watching the birds nest.
  8. The foxes dens were well hidden under the trees.
  9. The children couldn’t hold on to their umbrellas handles.
  10. All of the chairs seats were broken in the cinema.

3.  Traffic light and comment on your work. Can you explain how to use an apostrophe to show possession?


  1. Take part in the Sumdog maths NLC competition for at least 10 minutes.
  2. The focus today is division. Last week we reminded ourselves of the links between multiplication and division, by looking at trio facts. Today we will apply this knowledge to help us work out some division problems which have remainders.

Look at these 2 videos to remind you of how to calculate the remainders.

Write the date and I can answer division sums with remainders

3. Traffic light and comment on your accuracy in using your times tables to help you divide.

4. I think you’ll like division practice game .


Here is a link to a language site where you can have a free trial of an app – try the elementary level first, and make sure that you click the French flag icon!

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Enjoy the rest of your Thursday, imagine some amazing adventures and I’ll be back on the ground again with you tomorrow.

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mercredi le dix juin

Welcome to  wonderful, wacky Wednesday!

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News from the Sumdog competition –ML and PM have been doing a fantastic job, and yesterday So Mc joined in,  so we are now on the leaderboard – yippee!!


  1. As it’s wacky Wednesday, practice your spellings in a wacky way e.g. Be a cheerleader  – Give me a ____, give me a _____ etc.  Spell in ninja or Spiderman or another character pose.

2. You have been using some features of non-fiction texts, but today   I want you to focus on the non-fiction texts themselves. What are the differences in their purpose, format and information?

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I want you to go on a scavenger hunt  in your house and online to find as many examples as you can of the following types of text.

Date and I can find examples of different types of non-fiction texts

Make a note under the different headings of texts that you have found for each group- try to get an example to match all those suggested and if you can find more of your own, then that’s brilliant! Happy hunting and remember that Epic and Oxford Owl will be a great place to start your search.

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3. Traffic light 🚦 and comment on your scavenger hunt. I hope it made you think about the purpose and features of the texts.


  1.   Today’s starter is at least 10 minutes on Sumdog maths to take part in the NLC competition.
  2. Last week, we revised formal subtraction and today, we are extending our revision to exchange across 0. I have written out the steps for this sort of calculation so just look at this example very carefully.

 Write the date and I can use formal multiplication to subtract from numbers including several 0 placeholders

For the last question see if you can work out the answer mentally first and then check using a calculator.

3. Traffic light and comment on your skills especially in the problem solving section.

4. This is a great game for practising your skills in addition, subtraction, finding a difference and logical skills.


The theme for WWF this week is oceans. I love the activities that WWF have been uploading – they’re so interesting.

It feels so calm under the water, so …….

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Link this to Mrs McMillan’s Rainbow Relaxation and you’ll feel so relaxed you’ll probably fall asleep!

mardi le neuf juin

It’s Tuesday – what will you choose to do today?

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I hope that you will choose to go onto the Sumdog maths competition. RK, PM and NM took part and earned lots of coins as a reward! We need as many of the class to take part as possible, please. Also to PM and SR, you are gaining more levels on your Epic accounts, so very well done and keep up the good work. See the source image


  1. Which activity will you choose to practice your on/en spelling words?  Or you might want to try spelling and using your dramatic voice techniques to help spell the words. I can just imagine you all trying out this activity and it’s making me smile!

2. Your handwriting practice has revised letter formation, sizing , break letters and the different joins that need to be used. These skills should now be applied to every piece of written work to improve your confidence and success in using joined handwriting.

Here is another reminder of the joins that you’ve practised.

See the source image

Before you start the main activity, look at this video, highlight the adverbs and take the quiz to remind yourself of how adverbs are used in sentences  to add more detail to the verb.

2. Date and I can join my handwriting when practising using verbs and adverbs

This link reminds us of some common uses of adverbs, telling us how, when or where action happened.

3. Traffic light your handwriting skills – how are you getting on? I hope that you can see a difference in your presentation.


  1.   Go onto Sumdog and take part in the NLC maths competition for at least 10 minutes. Remember to take your time with the answers – it is accuracy that counts!
  2.  Continue to develop confidence and accuracy using  formal addition including addition of several numbers and number problems. Look at previous blogs to help you, if you need to see examples.

      Date and I can use the formal method of addition  for different   sorts of calculations

3. Traffic light and think about your additions – how many strategies did you use? Did you check your answers?

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4. This link takes you to a strategy game where you add numbers together to make a total.


I wanted to share this happiness calendar with you today as a way to help us all get through these days in lockdown. Even the simplest act can really make a difference to yourself and to others!

Remember that you guys always make me happy!See the source image

lundi le huit juin

Welcome back to another exciting week of learning at home!

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  1. Spelling words for this week are en and on endings, with some handy hints for how to decide which ending it might be! If you can, type out the words 3 times and change the fonts. If you want to text the words, then send them to a friend and they can check whether you typed them correctly!

2. Date and I can identify the correct en and on word endings.

Follow the instructions and answer any questions – this is an important part of your learning!

Handy hint

  •  if you are not sure of an ending – does it look correct?
  •   where can you check? 
  •   For B1 and B2 look carefully at your lists and use your skills to work out the answers

3. Traffic light and comment on your understanding of how to work out on and en word endings.

4. Let’s finish with an interactive quiz using  on and en endings.


I have included the link to the June calendar, which has some great ideas for learning with ideas from the Epic resources.  It would be a great way to help you work your way up the levels! Today is Best Friends’ Day – why not share a book recommendation with them?

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  1.  Let’s start off by getting onto Sumdog for at least 10 minutes  and taking part in the NLC competition which finishes on 11th June. It is accuracy that is important, so make sure that your answers are correct, not fast!
  2.  Today’s place value focus is estimating which has links to rounding that we have already practised.

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This link reminds you how to estimate logically where numbers would be put on a number line.

This poster does the same thing – use what you know to solve problems.

Handy hint

  •  Use a strip of paper the same size as the line and fold it into half and quarters to help you think about the numbers logically

Write the date and I can estimate numbers logically

Follow the instructions and make sure that you write the correct distance sign -cm, m, km for the answers.

3. Traffic light and comment on your estimating skills. Could you explain your answers to question 4 to an adult?

4. This quest helps you to revise estimation of distances.


I know that some of you will be missing the chance to take part in drama activities and the development of your facial skills and body movements, so here are some ideas for you to try at home.

Just to keep us all going ……….

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vendredi le cinq juin

Have you got that Friday feeling? Come on, let’s make Friday


Image result for Fabulous Friday Motivational Quotes

Congratulations to SR for making it to level 4 on Epic reading, collecting lots of achievement badges on her profile page. Well done!See the source image

  1.   Please ask someone to check your ow spelling words with you.        I hope that  you get them all correct!  See the source image

Today , 5 June is World Environment Day, an annual event which encourages everyone to do something to protect that planet and this year the theme is Time for Nature

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2. Today for your writing skills development in your jotter or on a pc, you going to

Write a  persuasive letter explaining why we need to protect the environment

This is a great link which demonstrates why we need to protect the environment.

There is plenty to do. Wildlife numbers have more than halved since 1970. In the same time, 270,000 square miles of the Amazon rainforest has disappeared; up to nine million tonnes of plastic have poured into the oceans, and the human population has doubled. Although air pollution has decreased, the World Health Organisation still lists it as the greatest environmental threat to human life.

Luckily, there are simple things you can do to help act for nature.

  • Reduce plastic use, reuse things, or buy them second-hand.
  • Save electricity by switching off lights and appliances. Save water by keeping showers short and not letting taps run.
  • Travel less – limit your travel when things go back to normal after the Coronavirus pandemic
  •   Walk or ride a bike
  •  Leave some wild green spaces in your garden  where pollinators and ground dwelling insects can thrive
  •  Avoid buying single-use plastics. Plastic waste that ends up in nature is often mistaken for food by animals both on land and at sea. For many species, it can cause severe injury and death
  •  Recycle as much as you can
  •  Plant an urban garden on your balcony, in a backyard or a    communal space to encourage wildlife especially bees.
  •  Use less household chemicals that can have toxic effects on soil

I have assigned some titles to your Epic account which you might find useful and there are lots of other titles about protecting the environment.

Here is a great link to help you organise your ideas

 For today’s letter, write your own address on the top right hand side  followed by the date and write to someone in your family.

Here is an example of how to set out your letter.

Persuasive letter checklist

  1. My introduction is strong and grabs the reader’s attention. What is the reason for your letter , what’s the topic or issue?
  2. My opinion is clearly stated
  3. I have a minimum of 3 clearly stated reasons that are backed up with details, facts, evidence and examples.
  4. My letter has a friendly and professional tone.
  5. I’ve used strong, emotive language – important, strongly, correct, destroy, vital, action
  6.  I’ve used persuasive phrases e.g. obviously, I’m sure you’ll agree that, it is clear that, the evidence shows that, etc
  7. My ideas are organised into clear paragraphs
  8. My spelling, grammar and punctuation are correct
  9. My letter is concise and to the point.
  10. My conclusion re-states my opinion and ties everything together.

3.  Traffic light and show someone your letter. Have you persuaded them about the importance of looking after the environment? Please ask them to put a comment onto your work thinking about the success criteria checklist above.


  1. Let’s start off with some mental maths skills

2. As today’s theme is nature, here is an investigation about insects 🐞  shown in a bar graph.

Write the date and I can use data information shown in a bar graph.  

Handy hint

  •  check the scale on the horizontal axis. How many insects does each box represent?
  • read each question carefully and decide which calculations you have to carry out in questions 2 and 3. Please show your working.

3. Traffic light and comment on your skills in reading bar graphs.

4. Finish by spending at least 10 minutes on Sumdog maths and try to finish the focus that you are currently working on.


As it’s World Environment Day, here is a link to a healthy, outdoor activity which you could try with your family – it gets you thinking about the colours in nature.

See the source image

Have a very happy, safe and relaxing weekend; and I’ll be back with you on Monday.

jeudi le quatre juin

Good morning – hope you’re all bright and breezy, ready for another day of learning adventures!See the source image

First of all congratulations to PM for reaching level 3 on Epic and SR for making good progress through level 2. You can now change your avatars and frames if you want to.

Also I want to congratulate LI and Co B for their success on Sumdog so far this week. Keep up this great effort and everyone please remember that there are lots of coins to be awarded.


  1. Spelling – Sumdog challenge using ow words sounding like O.
  2.  Focus on Pronouns.  We have learnt how to use pronouns to avoid the repetition of the same nouns in sentences.

This link takes you to information about the use of pronouns.

Just look at the 2 videos and practice activity 1.

Write the date and I can use pronouns in sentences correctly.

Here are some very common pronouns that we have talked about in class.

See the source image


Write out the sentences, putting the correct pronoun into the spaces. Read your sentence  – does it make sense?

  1.    I like these biscuits.  _________ are my favourites.
  2.   Jo put her book down. In the morning ____ could not find _____ anywhere!
  3.   Mr Jones ran after Steve and me.   ______ chased _____ down the road.
  4.   Don’t jump from the rocks or you might hurt __________!
  5.   When we won the relay race, _____ were very pleased with __________.
  6.   When the dog got wet _______ shook  _________ all over mum!
  7.  The lady gave a present to her brother.  ______ wrapped _____ before ______ gave ______ to ______.
  8. The thieves hid _____________  so that the police could not find _______.

The Making Sure section concentrates on the I and me pronouns which can be confusing.

Handy hint – look at the examples

  •  If the person is doing the action use I
  •   Chris and I are eating fish and chips.
  •  If the person is having the action done to them use me
  •   The teacher gave the book to James and me.
  1.     The cat belongs to Lucy and ______ .
  2.      My dad and ______ went to the shop last night.
  3.      My brother and _______ both like to drink water.
  4.      Judith  does not play with Sue and ______.
  5.      Gran spilled her drink over George and ______.
  6.      My cousin and ______ went for a bike ride.
  7.      Jake invited David and_____ to tea.
  8.      Uncle Matt and ______ enjoy playing football.

3.  Traffic light and comment on your understanding of how to use pronouns. How did you get on with the I and me section?

4.   Finisher _ interactive game to help you practise your skills using pronouns


  1. Practise your times tables skills using some of these games.

 We know that knowing your times tables is really helpful for thinking about associated facts and being able to divide.

See the source image

Here’s a great game to help you develop speed and confidence using trio facts for multiplication and division. It might help with the main activity too!

2. Write date and I can make links between multiplication and division

Follow the instructions and use all the examples given above to help.

3. Traffic light 🚦 and comment on how your skills in making multiplication and division links are developing.


Did you look at the Rights Assembly about Article 28 – Right to an Education?  I found it very interesting to think about education opportunities and how tricky it is for some children to even get any education! I also loved the video about Mr Jensen – fancy having a set of drumsticks in his desk drawer!

Here’s Mrs McMillan with another relaxation technique to help you imagine the sun’s energy,  light and warmth slowly filling your body.

It’s so lovely, calm and relaxing!

Now that you are feeling relaxed, recharge your batteries and …….

See the source image


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