mercredi le vingt-quatre juin

Good morning and welcome to our last day of school for this academic year.

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It has been so strange since we have been in lockdown. I have missed  seeing you all so much and being in our classroom together.

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I have loved having the privilege of being your teacher this year and whoever your next teacher is, they will be very lucky to have such wonderful young people in their class!

How would you introduce yourself to a new teacher? I remember the lovely letters that I received last year when some of you introduced yourselves.

Here is a template to give you some ideas. What would a teacher like to know?

  • any brothers and sisters in school?
  • sports, clubs, hobbies and interests
  • any favourite subjects in school?
  • information about lockdown activities
  • your own achievements
  • what are you looking forward to?

You could write or type out your letter and bring it in when we return to school – your teacher would be delighted to receive it.

Before we finish for the year, I want to share some of our special class times with you. Thanks for the memories Primary 4/5.

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So everyone, we are now at the end of our school year. All that is left is for me to send love and best wishes to you and your family  for a very happy and safe summer holiday and I look forward to seeing you again in August.

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