vendredi le dix-neuf juin

Fun, fantastic Friday is here, so everyone cheer!!!

See the source image

Our final wellbeing thought for the week is ……

What have I done and what am I going to do to help me do well in my learning?


  1. Spelling test. What have you been doing as a learner to help you learn your spellings? Have you practised, made corrections, been tested by an adult, made links?  Think about how you learn.
  2.  Your literacy focus involves writing a recipe for success. As you know you need ingredients for a recipe, so think about some aspects of your learning that are important.

Here are examples to help you think of some ideas – also think about our SKILLS FOR LEARNING wall – communication, creativity, self-management, working with others, problem solving and enquiry.

See the source image

See the source image

Date and I can write a recipe for successful learning

Think of the 5 most important ingredients for you to be a successful learner. You can illustrate your recipe and make it into a useful learning tool for yourself.

3. I hope that you have thought carefully about your own ways to make your learning the best it can be. Share your ideas with adult – can they identify these ingredients in your learning experiences?


  1. Start by going onto Sumdog and work to achieve the skills level you are working on.
  2.  Our focus today is capacity.  Capacity is the total amount of fluid that can be contained in a container. It is the word we use when we are measuring liquids.

This link shows a measuring jug, what the scales look like and how to measure the amount of liquid in the jug.

Date and I can measure the capacity of liquid in ml.

Look at the scales and intervals carefully when deciding on the measurement of liquid in each measuring jug.

3. Traffic light 🚦 your answers. Which learning skills have you used to complete this task? Are there any that weren’t on your Recipe for Success?

4. This game lets you practise reading the capacity of liquids.


As we are thinking about keeping going with our learning and trying something new, here is a Health and Wellbeing grid for you to try out. There might be activities here that you haven’t tried before, so give them a go!

So, until we meet again next week………


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