vendredi le vingt-neuf mai

Good morning to you all and welcome to another fun Friday!

See the source image

Well done to PM and RP for Sumdog spelling rewards this week. The Sumdog house is open and I still have a number of coins that I can reward – so let’s get going!

Great to see that Epic has been used by PM and SR – it’s a site with so many titles and so many interests covered. Well done, girls!


  1.  Spelling check for the qu words this week.
  2.  Focus on writing and in particular thinking about how

  I can create the plot of a story

Watch this clip to remind you of the main features of a story plot.

See the source image

This interactive site is great to help you think of ways to construct the main part of your story as it gives you the section ideas.

I have included the plot that I made up on the site too, as an example to get your ideas flowing. When I looked at this in preview, I copied it into a word document and printed it out. You could do this too, if it is easier for you than writing the plot out in your jotter.


3.  Please self assess your writing and then ask someone to read over your story plot and assess it for you.

See the source image

4. As a finisher, this is a fun way to create a silly story.


1. Try out a Daily 10 – has your speed in answering times tables improved?

2. Write the date  and

            I can find factors and multiples of numbers within 100.

Handy hints

  • Use the information from last week if it helps.
  • You do not need to draw out the array patterns, just think about each number and which times tables the number belongs to e.g.  21 has factors of 1, 21, 3 and 7. 1×21/21×1 and 3×7/7×3 = 21. Have copies of the times tables available to help you see factors and multiples if you need them.

3. Traffic light and comment on your learning. You should be feeling confident about your knowledge of times tables.

4. Here are some finisher activities:

An interactive sheet which will help you identify factors and multiples.

An interactive game to really get you thinking about factors and multiples.

Remember that there are lots of sites to help you stay active.

We are nearly at the end of May, can you believe it? Please have a happy and safe weekend; know that I am missing you and thinking about you every single day and I will …….

See the source image

2 thoughts on “vendredi le vingt-neuf mai”

  1. Good Morning Mrs. Macleod
    Hope your family’s ok me and Alisha are going to get to see each other today in my garden 😀
    Have a good weekend

    From Savannah R

    1. Oh, that’s such great news, I am sure that you will have a great time chatting and catching up even if you do have to stay 2 metres away. 😊 Have a wonderful time and please say Hi 👋 to her from me. I hope to see my family too this weekend, so that’s a lovely thing for me to look forward to. Thanks again, for keeping in touch, it makes my day 🤗x

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