lundi le vingt avril

Welcome back!

I hope that you are all well and raring to go after the Easter break.See the source image

I hope that you have been keeping up your exercise. Remember that you can exercise with Joe Wicks or you can have a go at some GoNoodle activities.



Today, your spelling words focus on the y ending.

Use the Buzzing Bees spelling idea or one of your own to practise spelling the words.funny bee seamless pattern. honey vector illustration Stock Vector - 92837689



Write the date, I can use y endings correctly ; and traffic light your work when you have finished.

Follow the instructions to write out sections A and B in your jotter.

The spelling  activities demonstrate how we can change nouns into adjectives and adjectives into nouns by changing the endings.

The y ending. Look at this short video as an introduction

Look at the following tasks, follow the instructions and examples to complete these spelling skills successfully.

For your mental maths, here are some questions to get you thinking. I have given you some handy hints and these are good questions to help you think about and build upon number skills that you already have! Remember that a quarter is half of a half!!

This BBC Bitesize link shows you different ways that you can partition numbers.

For today’s Place Value focus, you are going to partition the numbers into their values and then make numbers from the values given. Examples are given for you to follow.


Try out a Top Marks partitioning site – there are lots of games to help you practise.

LCF are offering online classes for children  – fun French and Spanish  based on Club resources and Babelzone. If you would like to join, please take a look at   – there is a free trial.

See the source image

4 thoughts on “lundi le vingt avril”

    1. Thanks for letting me know about the link. I have updated the post and added a site link rather than an email which should take you to the site and there it mentions the free trial. I hope that you can get onto the Babelzone now!

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