Holiday activities from 12/12/16


Holiday Activities from 12/12/16 until 9/1/17


Check your core spelling words for this week and use strategies for writing them.

Over the holiday season this site has some ideas for spelling Christmas words. 


Enjoy reading any texts! Primary Times is a great way of starting to read reports and any Christmas/winter stories are an excellent way of keeping up your reading skills over the holidays. Remember that all reading over the holidays will be logged in your First Minister’s Challenge! 


Keep practising using money in real life! Making totals in different ways, paying the correct money in the shops and checking any change that you receive. There are lots of activities for using money on the following site, so your child can practise at their level of confidence and extend if they wish to.

 If you are stuck for things to keep you busy over the next few weeks, have a look at these sites:

One of the best Christmas sites is-   there is so much to do and explore – have fun!!

4 thoughts on “Holiday activities from 12/12/16”

    1. Happy New Year Roan. The core spellings are the ones that you last highlighted. They are the ones we will be revising this week too. I will make sure that everyone has the correct words so don’t worry.

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