mardi le 19 mai

Good Morning,  Everyone!

How are you feeling today?  I loved the Kindness posters that some of you sent me yesterday.  They really cheered me up and I thought the illustration were fabulous.  Has anyone put their poster in their window for others to see?

What was your act of kindness yesterday?

What could you do today for someone?

Remember, post your ideas.

I am sooooo excited to tell you that there are 948 classes entered the North Lanarkshire Sumdog Challenge and would you believe we are 48th out of 948!!!  Come on P6, let’s see how far we can get up the Leader Board.   Tell everyone in our class to get onto Sumdog so far only 10 people have gone on this week.  Can you imagine what position we would be in if there were 20 people from our class?



In the next few weeks, we’re going to revise multiplication calculations. To ensure you’ve got your times tables facts at your fingertips, each day this week for our mental starter, we’re going to play a game which helps you to revise your times tables. Here’s today’s game:

Select-> Times Tables ->Hit the Answer -> Mixed. You can decide whether you want to do Tables up to 10 or 12

Activities: I can subtract a 3 digit number from a 3/4 digit number.


To ensure your work is accurate, think about:

  • Estimating and checking an answer. It can be easy to make a careless mistake in a calculation so it is very helpful to estimate the answer before completing it using rounding or known facts.
  • Laying out a calculation. Remember the importance of lining up the digits correctly, particularly if there are two numbers of different sizes, e.g. a 6-digit number and a 4-digit number.
  • The importance of zero. It is particularly important in a written calculation to keep the digits in the columns where they belong.
  • Mental or written strategy. Look at a calculation and consider whether a mental or written strategy is most appropriate. Just because it is written as a formal calculation doesn’t mean you have to solve it that way. For example, the calculation 6034 – 5897 would be very difficult as a written calculation (as it involves exchange several times), but it is relatively easy to work out the difference by counting on.



Spend at least 10 minutes on Sumdog. Everyone at Woodlands has been entered into the North Lanarkshire Maths Contest. The contest started on Friday at 8am and finishes on Thursday 21st at 8pm.



Today, we are going to finish our class novel, “Danny the Champion of the World.”

Read Ch 22, page 90:

or listen and read along to the chapter through this link:


I can discuss the themes of the book.

Think about:

  • the strong relationship Danny has with his Dad
  • the heroes and the villains
  • Dahl’s use of humour throughout the story helps to keep the reader interested and wondering what will happen next
  • the rights and wrongs like poaching, underage driving, putting sugar in the petrol, using sleeping tablets to drug birds and corporal punishment in schools.

Complete the thinking routine of C.S.I. Choose a colour, a symbol and an image to represent one  of the theme from this book.



Symbol Image
Why? Why? Why?


At the end of the book, there is a message for Children who have read this book from Roald Dahl:

“When you grow up and have children of your own do please remember something important

a stodgy parent is no fun at all what a child wants and deserves is a parent who is SPARKY.”

Imagine what you would be like as a parent. How would you be a sparky parent? Write a paragraph or create an illustration explaining the different ways you would do to be a SPARKY Parent.

Share your illustration or paragraph with someone at home or email it to me

Take Care P6,

Mrs P




lundi le 18 mai

Good Morning Primary 6,


I hope you had a good weekend.

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and the theme is kindness.

This is such an important theme to celebrate and support, especially under these challenging times. One act of kindness can lead to many more. Can inspire as many people as possible to extend one act of kindness, first to yourself, and then to others?



Earlier this year, we had an assembly on the book Lucy’s Blue Day, do you remember?

Watch and listen to this short clip.

What do you think is they main/ key idea from this story?


It’s always a good time to think about Kindness, but as we are in lockdown, it’s particularly important.

What does being kind mean to you?

I can create a motivational/ positive/ kindness poster.

I would like you to create a poster.

It could include:

  • Colour (if possible)
  • A clear, bold message – (positive, motivational quote)
  • A poem
  • It might be ideas of how to help others, how to be kind, what to do when you feel down such as talk to family or friends over the phone, exercise, spend time outside, eat healthily
  • Pictures

You can post in on here or email me it if you would like to share it:

Here are some examples:



Can you do one act of kindness each day? You can comment on this post what you have done to give others ideas.


It might be a nice idea to display your poster somewhere if possible. Maybe you could put it on your window for those passing by to spread kindness and positivity at this hard time.


This week we are going to revise subtraction calculations. To ensure your work is accurate, think about:

  • Estimating and checking an answer. It can be easy to make a careless mistake in a calculation so it is very helpful to estimate the answer before completing it using rounding or known facts.
  • Laying out a calculation. Remember the importance of lining up the digits correctly, particularly if there are two numbers of different sizes, e.g. a 6-digit number and a 4-digit number.
  • The importance of zero. It is particularly important in a written calculation to keep the digits in the columns where they belong.
  • Mental or written strategy. Look at a calculation and consider whether a mental or written strategy is most appropriate. Just because it is written as a formal calculation doesn’t mean you have to solve it that way. For example, the calculation 6034 – 5897 would be very difficult as a written calculation (as it involves exchange several times), but it is relatively easy to work out the difference by counting on.


In the next few weeks, we’re going to revise multiplication calculations. To ensure you’ve got your times tables facts at your fingertips, each day this week for our mental starter, we’re going to play a game which helps you to revise your times tables. Here’s today’s game:

Select from the column on the right: Mixed Tables. This game focuses on the different vocabulary associated with multiplication.

Activities: I can subtract a 3 digit number from a 3 digit number.




Spend at least 10 minutes on Sumdog. Everyone at Woodlands has been entered into the North Lanarkshire Maths Contest. The contest started on Friday 15th at 8am and finishes on Thursday 21st at 8pm.

We need as many people from our class as possible to have a go at the contest so that we can appear on the leader board. Come on P6, let’s do this!!  Last week, I gave out coins to those children who spent time on Sumdog. Let’s see if you can earn some coins for yourself this week!

Let’s catch on to kindness.

Kindness Matters.

Mental Health Matters.

YOU Matter.

Mrs P

vendredi le 15 mai

Good morning everyone, can you believe it is Friday again and we’re just about halfway through May?

I hope you are all safe and keeping well.  Here are today’s activities:



Log onto Epic

Then enter the code: uzc7238 (This is the classcode.)

Select a book of your own choice. How many book on Epic have you managed to read this week?

Activities: I can use its and it’s correctly.

Many people get confused with its and it’s. Remember:

it’s is the shortened form of it is

its is to do with belonging, something that belongs to it.

You DON’T need to write this passage out in your jotter. Just write 1-23 (there are 23 missing words) and decide whether you should write its or it’s.

Here are 1-8

And 9-23


Create a poster to teach others or when to use its and when to use it’s.



Using yesterday’s task, can you say how many jumps are there between each number?


  1. -4   and   -7

It takes 3 jumps to get from one to the other.

Try 12 – 19


Activity: I can count on and back between positive and negative numbers.




Create your own question that involves negative numbers, it can be something similar to what you have done this week. Give it to someone else to solve. You can even e-mail me it:

Enjoy you weekend, hopefully in the sun, and I’ll be back on Monday.

Stay safe and remember to keep smiling,

Mrs P


jeudi le 14 mai

Happy Friday-Eve, Primary 6!

Well done to LHH, OT, MM, HM and ST who all got 100% in the book quiz on Epic.  If you’ve not been on Epic yet, why don’t you give it a go today?



Order numbers from lowest to highest (remember in negative numbers, the higher the negative, the further away from 0 it is, the lower the number.)


-243 , -543, – 45, 0

Lowest is -543 (it is the furthest away from 0)

Then it would be -243

Then -45 (is getting closer to 0)

And the highest number is 0.

Try this game:

Activities: I can work out how much each child has.

If Clare has £25 but she owes £30, she technically has -£5 as she still owes £5.

Try Qs 2-10


Plenary: Go through each question and just say which number is highest OR write them out using the correct symbol <   > , remember the crocodile eats the largest number.


Log onto Epic

Then enter the code: uzc7238 (This is the classcode.)

Select a book of your own choice. What book do you fancy reading today?

Activities:I can identify what figures of speech mean (Common Expressions).

Read this explanation of figures of Speech or Common Expressions:

Now have a go at these two questions in your jotter:



Plenary: Can you match these sayings with their meanings? Get someone at home or a friend online to give you a score out of 10. Good Luck!

Well done P6, you’re doing a great so keep going.

Stay Cool,

Mrs P

mercredi le 13 mai

Good Morning Everyone!

How are we today? You are all doing so well and I know it can be hard to get your school work done at home sometimes. So a big well done to those of you who made it onto Epic.  I can see you must have enjoyed it for 26 books were read yesterday by our class.  Well done! Here is the work for today:



Log onto Epic

Then enter the code: uzc7238 (This is the classcode.)

Select a book of your own choice. Will it be Fiction or Non-Fiction?

Activities: I can write clear concise directions.

Look carefully at this map. Your friend is lost in Fantasy Land. You must write short, clear directions to help your friend find the way home. Remember to include when they should keep quiet and when they should run as fast as possible.

To begin you must look carefully at the map and imagine what instructions and advice your friend would need.

Use this framework for writing your directions:

  1. First you must…..
  2. Then you……..
  3. Now you can…..
  4. Next you……..
  5. Finally you………


Write a paragraph explaining how your friend ended up lost in Fantasy Land.


Now share your directions with someone. Do they think you’ve managed to save your friend? Ask them for 2 stars and 1 wish.



On Sumdog, you have been allocated 5 quick questions.

Activity: I can order positive and negative numbers

Optional Challenge:

What is the highest temperature over the next week?

What is the lowest temperature over the next week?


Compare Cumbernauld to Greenland.

What is Greenland’s highest temperature over the next week?

What is Greenland’s lowest temperature over the next week?

Have a look at the map of where the UK is located compared to Greenland?

Why do you think the temperature is a lot colder in Greenland?


Here are some pictures of Greenland’s national park. 


Go on to this website:

You can sort the information by country or city.

Choose 4 countries/ or cities and order them warmest to coldest.


Remember just do your best and that’s us half way through this week already!

Keep Smiling,

Mrs P x

mardi le 12 mai

Good Morning Primary 6,

How was your May holiday weekend? Did you take a long lie in bed? I hope you had fun and spent time with your family. At our house we made unicorn biscuits but they ended up more like The Wonky Donkey!!! They weren’t as good as the Mars Bars Cakes we made during Fairtrade Fortnight!

I have a new website for you to visit. It will give you access to thousands of books and I can select books for you to read, sometimes give you a quiz about the book and check when you’ve read them. There are fiction and non-fiction books for you to choose from. You will have free access until 30th June 2020.

Go to

Then enter the code: uzc7238 (This is our class code.)

Now click your name.

I have set up a book, “A Donkey Reads: Adapted from a Turkish Folktale”, for you to read and then there is a short quiz. Let me know if you enjoy your book. If you read some of the other books, let me know the ones you have liked. This is an American website so when looking at the date remember they put the month first then the day so 12th May 2020 would be 5/12/20.



Have a go at logging onto Epic using the instructions above.  Any problems send me an email at

Activities: I can identify and name collective nouns.

Watch this video to remind yourself of collective nouns:

Can you think of the correct collective noun then copy the phrase neatly into your jotter:

A ____________ of whales.

A ____________ of flowers.

A ____________ of steps.

A ____________ of fish.

A ____________ of pups.

A ____________ of geese.

A ____________ of crows.

A ____________ of arrows.

A ____________ of thieves.

A ____________ of experts.


Can you come up with another 10 examples of collective nouns?


Can you come up with a collective noun for a group of teachers? Perhaps you’d like to illustrate your idea?


This week, we are going to look at negative numbers.


Recap what negative numbers are:

Watch the video, read the information and try the quiz!

Activity: I can identify negative and positive numbers on a number line.

Use a number line to count on and back, here is a picture of a number line to help.

You can write the letters in alphabetical order or as they come in the picture.



  1. Is 2 positions before 10. Count back 2 places from 10 and you end up at 8.

Therefore, a = 8

Another example is h.

H is 3 before -20, if you count on from negative 10 3 spaces you land on -17 (negative 17).

Complete letters a-q

Optional challenge:


Go on to active learn (remember first 4 letters of your first name and first 4 letters of your second name is your username) password is woodlands and school code is 6kwa.

Allocated to you is the game: “Clam collector”. This game is like snake, it is fun.


jeudi le 7 mai

Happy Thursday, Primary 6.

Today is like Happy Friday because tomorrow there will be no school work as it is a bank holiday to commemorate 75th Anniversary of VE Day.

Tomorrow at 3 pm people are being encouraged to go outside, remain socially distant, and clap for the heroes who brought victory at the end of World War II.  Have you enjoyed learning about VE day this week?

Thanks to ST for her Haiku  and MS for her Limerick from yesterday’s Literacy activities.  Well done to OT, ST, AK, MS, RK, FW, JW and TW who have all been on Sumdog this week.  For now, OT is top of the leader board for the Co-ordinates Challenge- well done! Can OT stay top of the leader board or will someone knock her off?

Have you checked out Take a Moment with Mrs McMillan, the famous YouTuber? She’s posted a really cool video about Belly Breathing

and A Special Place Meditation.

I’m sure you’ll agree, not only is Mrs McMillan really good at art, she’s a brilliant You Tuber too!



Morse code, invented by Samuel Morse, takes the letters of the alphabet and replaces them with a combination of dashes and dots.

You can create these dashes and dots using long and short sounds, long and short light flashes, or just by writing them on paper.

You can translate these back into normal letters using a guide like the one above. (Or, if you’re really good at memorising stuff, you can learn the whole code!)


Activity: I can use the code to work out the message

You are receiving a code using Morse code, which you must solve:



Look/ think back at you 3, 2, 1 bridge activity from Monday.

Now re-do this task, see if your answers differ after learning more about VE day.


3 words,

2 questions

and 1 simile/ metaphor

 Extra info

The Queen will commemorate the 75th anniversary of VE Day with a televised address to the nation.

The message will form part of a series of events on 8 May marking the end of World War Two on the continent.

The monarch’s pre-recorded address will be broadcast on the BBC at 21:00 – the exact moment her father, King George VI, gave a radio address 75 years ago.

Other plans include a public sing along of Dame Vera Lynn’s We’ll Meet Again, a song synonymous with World War Two.

It will be the Queen’s second televised message during the coronavirus outbreak.

Last month, she echoed the words of the singer known as the Forces’ sweetheart when she told those in lockdown “we will meet again” during a rare speech to the nation.

Have a listen to the song:


Mental Starter: 

For Q1- 10 round each number to 10 and 100


Watch this video to explain how to plot coordinates using 4 quadrants

Now have a go at these 3 games that all use 4 quadrants for coordinates. Which game did you like best and why?



Take the Coordinates Quiz on Sumdog. There are 10 multiple choice questions and it’s only available until 6pm tonight. Good Luck!

Well done boys and girls, you’ve worked hard this week and deserve a wee rest so no school work will be posted on Friday or on Monday because it is suppose to be an In-service Day and you’d be off school.

Over the weekend, I’ll not be posting any work until Tuesday but I’ll keep checking my email so if you want to contact me, you can at: or you can post a comment on our blog.

I hope you are all ok, keeping safe and remembering to help around the house.  I am missing you and I’ll be thinking of you all when I sing “We’ll Meet Again,” on Friday.

Stay Cool,

Mrs P x






mercredi le 6 mai

Good Morning Primary 6 🙂

Hope you’re having a great week. Here are today’s activities:


Mental Starter:

Activities: I can use coordinates to solve problems

This picture helps me remember the order of the coordinates.

*Challenge* Make up a coordinates problem for your friend or me ( to solve.


Make sure you’ve completed the competition and challenge set for you on Sumdog this week.



We are going to look at poetry today.

Revise what a limerick is:

Revise what a Haiku poem is:

 Activity: I can create a limerick and/ or Haiku poem

Choose one type of poem; try to create a poem about celebrating the end of WW2 for Europe (VE Day).

SC for a limerick poem SC for a Haiku poem
I can include:

first, second and fifth lines have the same rhythm and rhyme.

The third and fourth lines rhyme with each other too.


I can include:

First line has 5 syllables

Second line has 7 syllables

Third line has 5 syllables.


Is my poem a limerick or haiku? Prove it.

Streets full of people,

Bonfires, dancing and cheers,

The war is over.


I’d love to read your poem, if you can, please send me your poem

mardi le cinq mai

Good Morning Boys and Girls,

I hope you are all doing o’k and managing to do some school work.  Did you get out in the fresh air?

Here are today’s activities:


Mental Starter: Please complete Q1-Q15


Activities: I can use co-ordinates to make a journey on a grid.

Plenary Have a go at the coordinates competition. It’s available from 10 am this morning until10pm on Thursday night. Good Luck!


This morning we are going to continue our learning about VE Day.


Unjumble these letters to create 3 words.


Activity: I can skim and scan to find specific information.

Today you are reading some non-fiction, as this information is about events that actually occurred.

Answer these questions verbally or written:





I see, I think, I wonder:

What do you see in this picture taken on VE day 1945?

What do you think is happening?

What questions do you have? What does it make you wonder?

Until tomorrow P6, keep safe and be kind!

Mrs P

lundi le 4 mai

Good Morning Primary 6, are you ready for another week of activities?

If we were at school, we would only be in for 4 days this week, because on Friday it’s a Bank Holiday and it’s also the 75th Anniversary of VE Day.

In maths, this week, we are going to revise co-ordinates.   As you don’t have squared paper I’ve included activities were you’ll be reading coordinates and playing games to plot them rather than drawing them.

But first, let’s start with some mental maths.

Mental Starter:

Please completer Q1-Q16 in your jotter.

Remember: product mean multiply and quotient means divide,

Activities: I can give the coordinates of points on a map.

Watch this clip from BBC Bitesize to remind us about co-ordinates.


From which places on the map is the first coordinate more than the second coordinate?


I’ve loaded onto Sumdog some skills practice focusing on coordinates. You have until Wednesday night to complete them.



Verbally, written or in your head, brainstorm anything you already know about VE day, or what you think it could be about.

Activity: I can summarise my thinking.

Watch this clip:

3, 2, 1 Bridge (Thinking Routine).

I would like you to think of

3 words related to this topic.

2 questions about this topic.

1 simile/ metaphor about this topic.



Summarise, verbally or written, what VE day is.

Hope you’ve managed today’s work until tomorrow,

Mrs P


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