mardi le cinq mai

Good Morning Boys and Girls,

I hope you are all doing o’k and managing to do some school work.  Did you get out in the fresh air?

Here are today’s activities:


Mental Starter: Please complete Q1-Q15


Activities: I can use co-ordinates to make a journey on a grid.

Plenary Have a go at the coordinates competition. It’s available from 10 am this morning until10pm on Thursday night. Good Luck!


This morning we are going to continue our learning about VE Day.


Unjumble these letters to create 3 words.


Activity: I can skim and scan to find specific information.

Today you are reading some non-fiction, as this information is about events that actually occurred.

Answer these questions verbally or written:





I see, I think, I wonder:

What do you see in this picture taken on VE day 1945?

What do you think is happening?

What questions do you have? What does it make you wonder?

Until tomorrow P6, keep safe and be kind!

Mrs P

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