Creating ICT information Texts

Primary 6 are searching for copyright free images and importing them into PowerPoint to create a Halloween themed information text. Thay can resize and select pictures without backgrounds and can resize and edit text size and colour. Finally they are saving their work as JPEG images.

ICT typing skills

Primary 6 are working on their typing skills. Mr Green is looking for the correct starting finger position, accurate typing and an improved typing speed! Some very quick typing skills on display today!

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PE- Hearts Beating Faster ♥️

This morning we got our hearts pumping faster in PE.  We played different versions of Tig then played a very tactical version of a Doctor Dodge Ball.  Finally, for a cool down we played Ollie Octopus.

This Friday we will not be going down to The Luggie because we are having a STEM ( Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) Day.  The children will need a change of old clothes because one of the planned activities will be outside (unless the weather is really, really bad).

Planting Wildflowers At The Luggie

This afternoon we planted Yellow Rattle seeds to encourage more wildflowers to grow at the Luggie.  We did this to encourage more insects to come to the Luggie Nature Reserve.  Bumble Bees love Yellow Rattle flowers and hopefully next year we will see even more Bumble Bees.  We also learned today that ladybirds get their names from their colour and the number of spots they have on their wings.

We also took clipping from a willow and we will try to grow them back in school.

We also learned today that fungi prefers to grow on dead trees because they are rotten material.

We picked some reed and tried to peel it back and make a wick for a candle like Victorian Children did.  It was very difficult.  These two children managed to make the longest wick.