Practising for Our St Andrew’s Assembly

As always, we have been very busy in P5/6.  This morning we worked very well both in our novel groups and independently.


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We have also been practising for our St Andrew’s Assembly.  Some people still need to learn their words so tonight is the last night to be able to do this.  Remember, if you want, you can wear tartan or Scottish themed clothes tomorrow.

Today we have given out letters notify parents/careers that we will shortly be starting our sexual health lessons.  On Thursday those children in P5 will be going swimming and need to bring their PE kit, swimming kit and £1 for the locker.  We are also looking for the tubes from kitchen rolls.  Please don’t send in toilet roll tubes.

P5/6 Homework Week Beginning 28th November

In Maths we continue to look at money.  Some children are working on money to £1, £5, £10, £20 or £100 so the activities below can be adapted to allow the children to practice with the amounts of money they are most comfortable with.

Look at catalogues, websites etc and analyse the cost of different items in different shops and analyse impact of special offers on their overall costs and budget.

Christmas Budget Challenge- children to budget for a family for Christmas including dinner, gifts, transport/travel, clothes, special treat such as panto/cinema.

Children take on jobs for modest pay (concepts that money has value and finding the best deal will get them most for their money).  Discuss concept of saving money from several jobs to purchase more expensive items.

Here are some websites that you may find useful!

The Cost of Money Quiz –

Financial Soccer –

Many children still need to spend time learning their tables.  It would be helpful if the children could have their times tables “at their fingertips”.  The times tables help the children in so many areas of maths.  Each child in the class knows what tables they should be working on.  Remember between now and Christmas we will be having table tests every week.  Here are some ideas to help your child learn their tables:

TGT (Team Game Tournament) children can make the cards at home.

Chant/Sing/Write the tables out (this website has links to many other websites)

Between now and Christmas we will have a tables test every week.


Practice learning your words off by heart for our St Andrew’s Assembly on Wednesday 30th November

Read your group novel: Green Group Read Chapters 3 & 4 (P33-64)

Blue Group Read Chapters 2 & 3  (P27-64)

Red Group Read Chapters 5 & 6 (P32-48)


St Andrew’s Day

Use sources to research the life of St Andrew.  Select key information to create a fact sheet possible areas to consider could be: St Andrew’s Life; St Andrew’s Day Traditions; The Saltire and Patron Saint of Scotland and Other Countries.

Have a look at web link below.

It comes from The National Library of Scotland.  It is all about Scots Language learning and features one of Scotland’s best kent cartoon characters, Oor Wullie.   Choose at least two of the activities and when possible record them in your homework jotter


P5/6 Homework

This weeks homework is to learn the words for your part of the St Andrew’s Day assembly as well as the words to the following songs:

  1. Follow Me,  Follow Me ( Leave this until Wednesday as we didn’t have enough time to go over it).
  2. P5 Learn the lyrics to the Camel Funk
  3. P6 Learn the lyrics to the Inn Keepers’ Tango

Please remember to bring any sheets with words back to school everyday.

Reading:  Please read the following pages at home this week.  Don’t for get to bring your novel with you everyday to school

Red Group: Read P 25- 31

Blue Group: Read P27-44

Green Group: Read P33-49


Science Report

This morning we conduct a science investigation: what might affect how clearly you hear a sound? We thought of the variables, a hypothesis and then carried out our investigation before writing up our results and conclusion.

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Remember Children in Need tomorrow. Come to school wearing spots and take part in our special activities. Don’t forget your £1.  Also on sale raffle tickets (50p) for Chocolate Advent Calendar.


Homework W/B 14th November

In Maths we have be looking at 2d and 3D shape.  Here are some ideas to try at home:

Robot challenge Ask children to draw a picture of a robot using at least 3 different 2D shapes.  Ask children to name some of the shapes they used.

3D objects at home Ask children to write down five real-life examples of different 3D objects in their home and, if they can, to give the mathematical name of the 3D object, e.g. toilet roll is a cylinder.

Rectangles on 3D objects Ask children to make drawings of 3D objects in the home that have at least one rectangular face, for example, door, TV, picture frame

Speed Tables Challenge 4 grids (sheet given by Mrs Pollock) (this website has links to many other websites)


Please read the section from your group novel.  Remember you must bring your novel back to class everyday.

Red Group Read P3-16                                 Blue Group Read P5-44                                                 Green Group Read P1-49

These sentences are from our class novel “The Silver Sword” by Ian Serrailler.  Write these sentences neatly into your jotter putting in the speech marks and any other punctuation you may need.

  1. You’re two hours late the villager cried
  2. Chuck him over the cliff someone said laughing
  3. A loud voice shouted are you ready there
  4. There’s room for it alongside- hurry up the soldier cried
  5. Here’s the pistol I almost shot you with explained Joseph
  6. It’s alright they’ve gone she said the fall of soot saved you
  7. That’s the prison bell said Joseph. It’s a long time since it rang like that- when the last prisoner escaped
  8. Have you come to search for him asked the old lady
  9. I am the prisoner said Joseph
  10. Look if you don’t believe me here’s my camp number. I want you to hide me pleaded Joseph

St Andrew

We will be presenting an assembly on St Andrew to the school on 30th November.  If you can please come to school wearing tartan or something Scottish.  Remember to practise our songs at home.

Donations Please

We are looking for each child in the class to bring in one chocolate bar or sweet for our Christmas Fair raffle.

Tables Practise

This morning we spent some time revising for tomorrow’s tables test.  Don’t  forget to practise tonight at home as this has been part of our homework for this week.

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This morning we also took part in a Tae Kwan-Do taster class.

We are still looking for chocolate or sweets to use for our raffle. If everyone could bring in one chocolate or sweet donation that we would be very grateful.

3D shapes

This morning we continued our work on 3D shapes by looking at nets.  We used an ICT programme to match the nets to the 3D shape then named the 3D shapes, we also completed an individual task as well as a paired activity.

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Just before home time we had a quick play in what was left of the snow.


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If possible, please could everyone bring in one chocolate bar or sweet for our raffle for the Christmas Fair?

Homework W/B 7th November


Homework W/B 7th November

 Many children still need to spend time learning their tables.  It would be helpful if the children could have their times tables “at their fingertips”.  The times tables help the children in so many areas of maths.  Each child in the class knows what tables they should be working on.  Between now and the end of December we will be having table tests every week.  Here are some ideas to help your child learn their tables:

TGT (Team Game Tournament) children can make the cards at home.

Chant/Sing/Write the tables out (this website has links to many other websites)


  • We have been working on Thriller stories. Here are some ideas for you to write about

A Hobby- Two children go fishing.  One of them falls in the loch.  Who will come to rescue them?

Noises- Odd sounds are coming from the professor’s workshop.  The main character decided to investigate.

The box- A parcel arrives marked ‘Fragile-open with care@.  Someone clumsy tries to open it!

Night Lights- Two friends see strange lights at night.  They decide to stay up one night and solve the mystery.

  • Text Detectives- We have been looking at how powerful verbs can help writer show what characters are like rather than telling the reader what they are like. Look through different books and find examples of powerful verbs for walked, said and looked.

Remembrance Sunday:

  • The Victoria Cross is the highest award of the United Kingdom Honours system. It is awarded for gallantry “in the face of the enemy” to members of the British Armed Forces.
  • Research some of the 74 Scottish recipients of World War I who have received the Victoria Cross.  Complete:



Date of Birth:


Place of Birth:
Regiment or Battalion:
Victoria Cross Awarded For:
Interesting Facts:


  • Design a new medal to be awarded and describe the criteria for being awarded your medal.