All posts by F.Pollock

mardi le 2 juin

Good Morning Everyone.

How are you today on this bright and glorious morning?  It was really hot yesterday.  I think today has to be slightly cooler but still very hot.  Don’t forget to drink plenty of water and slip, slap, slop with the suntan lotion if you go outside.

If you are running out of space in your jotters or need pencils etc the school will be open next Tuesday to collect these items between 3.45pm and 4.45pm.  We would ask that, where possible,  only one adult comes to collect items and that you stay  at home.

Here are today’s tasks:


Building on from yesterday’s work have a go at this:



Look at this diagram to help you with today’s activities.


Use a ruler or tape measure to find out how wide your hand span is. Then use your hand span measurement as a guide to estimate the length of different objects. Record the item, your estimate in hand spans and the estimate in cm. For example, radiator: about 6 hand spans; my hand span is 12 cm, so the radiator is about 70 cm. Find at least 5 objects to measure. Record your estimates and then actual measurements in your jotter.



Verbally or written, write a short summary of what you learned in Chapters 1 & 2.

Activity: I can interpret the author’s clues and use evidence in my answers.

Read Chapters 3 and 4.

  1. Why did Fred the Fearless feel “guilty”?
  2. Why do you think King Fred was shocked someone would suggest he visits the family? Do you think his reaction was right or wrong?



  1. Do you think King Fred moved them because the house was too big? What makes you think that?

Use evidence and your thoughts on the matter, do you think it was the right thing to do?

Think about the following quote:

“Weeks passed, and King Fred forgot all about the Dovetails, and was happy again.”


Predict what might happen next in the story.

Keep up the great work, you’re doing great P6!

Mrs P

lundi 1er juin

Good Morning, Primary 6.

What a fabulous weekend of weather we’ve had, hope you’re all well? It may not surprise you, because of the good weather we’ve been having, but today marks the start of meteorological summer, click on the link below for more information.


This week in maths we are going to be looking at measure, in particular, measure associated with length so we’ll be using mm, cm, m and Km.


Which units do we use?

There are many different ways of measuring things. Each situation when you measure something might need a different unit to make it easy to understand.

Many of the units we use in the metric system are based on being 10, 100 or 1000 times bigger or smaller than another unit. Time is an exception to this.

We can use the names to give us a clue about how much bigger or smaller something is:

  • kilo = 1000 times bigger
  • centi = 100 times smaller
  • milli = 1000 times smaller

For example:

One kilo metre is 1000 times bigger than a metre. There are one thousand metres in a kilometre.

One centimetre is 100 times smaller than a metre. There are one hundred centimetres in a metre

Watch this video to help you:

 Activities- I can compare measurement in m, cm and mm



Millimetres in the kitchen. Did you know that the building trade use mm as the standard unit. Look at the cupboards in their kitchen. Using an estimate reference (e.g. visualising a 30 cm ruler or knowing that the longer side of a piece of A4 paper is about 30 cm), estimate and then measure the size of the kitchen cupboards. Record the different dimensions in cm and then convert to mm.


Starter: I can predict what the story might be about.

This morning, I would like you to read Ch 1 and 2 of JK Rowling’s new book Ickabog. Before reading, from the title, what do you think this book could be about?

Or you could choose a book from the Epic site using our class code idt2922.


Character Description

I can describe a characters looks and personality using clues from the text.

Both chapters contain lots of description about Fred the Fearless, Lord Spittleworth and Flapoon and little 5 year old Bert and mentioning of the Ickabog.

Think about all of the information we are given by JK Rowling about for example ‘Fred the fearless’ looks

e.g. “lovely, yellow curls, fine sweeping moustaches”

As well as clues about his personality:

e.g. “He had once managed to catch a wasp all by himself, if you didn’t count five footmen and the boot boy.”

Therefore, did Fred catch the wasp alone? How many people did it take? What does that suggest about Fred and his title of “Fred the Fearless”?

Can you draw and use adjectives to describe a character?

(This can be for a character in a different book you are reading if you wish).


Can you use your own words to describe the characters and then use quotations from the book using JK Rowlings words to back you up?


Show a family member, friend over the phone or email to myself your work and ask them to count how many descriptions of looks you managed and how many are about their personality.

vendredi le 29 mai

Happy  Friday Primary 6,

Can you believe that we’re almost at the end of May?  I  can’t believe how wonderful our weather is.  Are you remembering to drink plenty and slip, slap, slop with the sun cream?

The rocket launch I told you about is now going to take place on Saturday at 8.22pm or 3.22pm Eastern Time (America).  Launch coverage will begin at 4pm or 11am Eastern Time on NASA TV, on the web at



Go to

Then enter the code: uzc7238 (This is our class code.)

Now look for you name and read a book.

Activities: I can distinguish between facts and opinions.

Have a look at this clip from BBC Bitesize

Fact or Opinion?


  • Tick whether you think each sentence is a fact or an opinion or write out the statement and write F for Fact or O for Opinion:


  Fact Opinion
The earth is round.
Woodlands Primary is in Greenfaulds.
Coronation Street is a very good TV programme.
Ant and Dec are funny.
School dinners are delicious.
Wayne Rooney is the best football player in England.
Miss Donald is taller than Mrs Lang.
Roald Dahl wrote Matilda



  • Two facts about school
  • Two opinions of school
  • Two facts about food
  • Two opinions of food
  • Two facts about a famous person
  • Two opinions of a famous person




I can multiply 3 and 4 digit numbers by 1 digit number



On Sumdog, you have a multiplication challenge. Top 5 pupils will receive 50 coins.

Give it your best!

Have a lovely weekend everyone and remember to stay safe!

Mrs P


jeudi le 28 mai

Good Morning P6, how are you today?

We were so disappointed that the rocket launch was “scrubbed” last night. We loved watching the astronauts live preparing for blast off  then because of the weather the launch was cancelled! Hopefully, the launch will now take place on Saturday.

If you are running out of space in your jotters or need pencils etc the school will be open next Tuesday to collect these items between 3.45pm and 4.45pm.  We would also ask that where possible only one adult comes to collect items and that you stay  at home.



Soon you will receive your report card and I hope you never get a report card like this one! Read this report card carefully and think about the teacher’s use of inference. You will need to “read between the lines” to understand what the teacher was really saying about the pupil.

What do you notice about the names of: the school, the pupil, the teacher and the head teacher?

These skinny questions can be answered with one or two words- no need to write in a sentence.

  • Whose school report is this?
  • What school does he attend?
  • Who are his teacher and head teacher?
  • What areas of the curriculum are reported on?


Answer these questions in a sentence.

  1. Who does Mr Page think has ‘taken away’ his things from his desk?
  2. Why do you think Mr Page calls Izzy a cuckoo?
  3. What do you think his really happened to his ‘lost’ reading books?
  4. Draw a picture of Izzy’s clay model. Why did it look Mrs Lessons?
  5. Would you like to play football with Izzy? Why or Why not?


Choose four words from the list below to describe Izzy:

Clean        lazy         messy       hard working     naughty     tidy  lonely        smelly       friendly   day dreamer      kind          dirty

Why did you choose them?


Draw and label a picture of what you think Izzy Bright looks like.



Have a watch at this short video which recaps multiplying and dividing by 1, 10 and 100.

Then have a go at creating some larger numbers and practise multiplying them by 10 and 100.



I can multiply by 100 by moving each digit 2 places to the left and replace empty columns with 0’s.


  1. 26 x 100 = 2600 tickets sold for the long jump.




Play ‘Get the Yeti’ on Active Learn.

Here you will extend your knowledge of multiplying by 10 and 100.


You know 5x 5 = 25

Therefore, you can work out 500 x 5 = 2500


Username: first 4 letters of your first name and first 4 letters of your surname.

Password: woodlands

School code: 6KWA

Until tomorrow keep safe and don’t forget to be good to yourself,

Mrs P

mercredi le 27 mai

Good Morning Primary Six,

I hope you enjoyed yesterday’s sunshine as much as I did.

Did you know there are two American astronauts being sent up to space later tonight? The launch of Falcon 9 and Crew Dragon is happening around 9.30.  It should pass the UK about 9.45 travelling West (where the sun sets at night) to East (where the sun rises in the morning) and it will look like a bright light moving in the sky.  It is  a little late but if you’re allowed to stay up, I wonder if you will spot it?


Have you ever thrown a stone into a pond or a river and watched the ripples? It can be mesmerising but what if something else appeared in the reflection of the water beside you?

In our writing lesson today, I would like you to continue this story.

I was relaxing at the water’s edge, throwing stones and watching the patterns of the ripples spreading out and then disappearing. Slowly, an unearthly reflection appeared in their place…

Activity: Through my narrative writing, I can entertain the reader.

Write an imaginative mystery story. Make sure you take some time to plan how the story will develop and think about the characters you will introduce. Entertain the reader, by ensuring your narrative writing has a plot, which will keep readers reading to see what happens next.

Success Criteria:

  • A beginning/opening which hooks the reader to read further
  • With some detail, describe the setting and characters and their involvement in the action
  • Describe the main events in a sequenced order (characters, thoughts, feelings, views and opinions)
  • Use dialogue to tell more about the main events/characters and their thoughts and feelings
  • An ending which brings the events to a conclusion (may be an unexpected twist or turn)
  • Don’t forget to include VCOP


Can you count how many WOW words or figurative language you used to keep your readers hooked? (Metaphor, Simile, Personification, alliteration, onomatopoeia)


Read your imaginative mystery story to someone, if you can, and ask for a star and a wish.



Practise your times tables by playing the game below. You can choose which table you would like to focus on and then find all of the multiples related to that table.


I can find the factors of a number.



Stay safe everyone,

Mrs P

mardi le 26 mai

Good Morning, Primary 6!

How was your holiday weekend? Did you take a long lie in bed? I hope you had fun and spent time with your family. The weather was pretty miserable on Friday and Saturday but it was lovely yesterday and I think it’s only to get better this week.


Go to

Then enter the code: uzc7238 (This is our class code.)

Now look for you name and read a book.

Activities: I can use a dictionary

More and more people are using online dictionaries but it doesn’t matter if you use an online dictionary or a real one, you need to understand how a dictionary is laid out and how the information is given. Look at this page from a dictionary.

For Q2, if you don’t have a dictionary at home then use this online dictionary:




Maths – Multiplication


This morning we are going to warm our brains up by practising our tables. Try the game below, it will ask you for multiples (think of these as the answers to the tables). You can choose which table you would like to focus on.


I can work out the missing factors.

Watch the clip below to remind yourself what a factor is.

Try Questions 1-10, filling in the missing factors.


  1. Factors of 10: 1 x 10 and 2 x 5



On Active Learn, you should see the game ‘Balloon Pop’ for you to practise your tables. You can choose your level of difficulty using gold, silver and bronze.

Remember your username is first 4 letters of your first name followed by the first 4 letters of your surname. Your password should be ‘woodlands’ and school code: 6KWA.

Any issues please comment on the blog or e-mail me

jeudi le 21 mai

Good Morning, Everyone

Can you believe that another week has gone by already? Remember that this is our holiday weekend so today is the last day of home learning until Tuesday 26th May.



Since it is our last day of school this week, you can select the times tables game you’ve enjoyed the most from the week. If you can, why don’t you send me an email ( and let me know your favourite game? Or just comment here on this blog- that way other children in the class can see your favourite game too.


Miss Park and I have created a Competition for P6 and P6/7. The competition begins at 10am and ends at 4pm tonight. It is based on the work you’ve been doing either in class or at home. There are 10 places on the leader board. How many names will there be on the Leader Board from P6 and how many names will there be from P6/7?   If your name appears on the Leader Board you’ll be rewarded with coins or if you spend at least 20 minutes on Sumdog, you’ll also be rewarded with coins. Don’t forget, it is also the last day of the North Lanarkshire Contest. Good Luck everyone!



What was your act of kindness yesterday?

What are you going to do today?


Today, you have a choice for writing:

I can write a recount.


I can create a narrative story about kindness.

You can either write a recount of the acts of kindness you have done this week. Remember to include detail of who, when, where, what, why and how.


You can write a story about kindness, remember to give detail, description and try to use figurative language (similes, metaphors, onomatopoeia, alliteration and personification).


Share your recount or story with someone at home or a friend over the phone or you can share it with me:

Have a super break and keep safe!

Mrs P

mercredi le 20 mai

Good Morning Primary 6,

I think it’s suppose to be a lovely sunny day today.  Are you going to be able to get outside and enjoys the fresh air and sun rays?

Yesterday, 11 people went onto the Sumdog Contest for North Lanarkshire.  Do you think we can get even more on from P6 today- I hope so.



Look at your C.S.I. What did you think are the themes do you think are the most prominent in this book?


I can create a board game relating to the story line and theme of “Danny the Champion of the World.”

Have a look at this example of a board game based on Danny the Champion of the World.

This board game takes you through the storyline. It has sections that requires you to either answer a question, spell a word or define a word’s meaning.

Can you create your own board game for our story? You could use “?” and have questions set up to answer.

You might decide to not use spelling or questions and perhaps draw a picture and someone has to say what was happening in the story or draw or write a character and they have to say who it is and what their personality was like.


Can you get someone to play your game at home? Or a friend over a video call or email it to me:



In the next few weeks, we’re going to revise multiplication calculations. To ensure you’ve got your times tables facts at your fingertips, each day this week for our mental starter, we’re going to play a game which helps you to revise your times tables. Here’s today’s game:

Select-> Times Tables ->Hit the Question -> Mixed. You can decide whether you want to do Tables up to 10 or 12


I can use formal methods (chimney sums) to solve subtraction calculations

Don’t forget:

To ensure your work is accurate, think about:

  • Estimating and checking an answer. It can be easy to make a careless mistake in a calculation so it is very helpful to estimate the answer before completing it using rounding or known facts.
  • Laying out a calculation. Remember the importance of lining up the digits correctly, particularly if there are two numbers of different sizes, e.g. a 6-digit number and a 4-digit number.
  • The importance of zero. It is particularly important in a written calculation to keep the digits in the columns where they belong.
  • Mental or written strategy. Look at a calculation and consider whether a mental or written strategy is most appropriate. Just because it is written as a formal calculation doesn’t mean you have to solve it that way. For example, the calculation 6034 – 5897 would be very difficult as a written calculation (as it involves exchange several times), but it is relatively easy to work out the difference by counting on.




Spend at least 10 minutes on Sumdog. Everyone at Woodlands has been entered into the North Lanarkshire Maths Contest. The contest started on Friday at 8am and finishes on Thursday 21st at 8pm. Just over 1 day left!!!

We need as many people from our class as possible to have a go at the contest so that we can appear on the leader board. Come on P6, let’s do this!!  Yesterday, I gave out coins to 11 children who spent time on Sumdog. The longer you spend on Sumdog the more coins I will send you. Let’s see if you can earn some more coins for yourself this week!

Good Luck Everyone,

Mrs P

mardi le 19 mai

Good Morning,  Everyone!

How are you feeling today?  I loved the Kindness posters that some of you sent me yesterday.  They really cheered me up and I thought the illustration were fabulous.  Has anyone put their poster in their window for others to see?

What was your act of kindness yesterday?

What could you do today for someone?

Remember, post your ideas.

I am sooooo excited to tell you that there are 948 classes entered the North Lanarkshire Sumdog Challenge and would you believe we are 48th out of 948!!!  Come on P6, let’s see how far we can get up the Leader Board.   Tell everyone in our class to get onto Sumdog so far only 10 people have gone on this week.  Can you imagine what position we would be in if there were 20 people from our class?



In the next few weeks, we’re going to revise multiplication calculations. To ensure you’ve got your times tables facts at your fingertips, each day this week for our mental starter, we’re going to play a game which helps you to revise your times tables. Here’s today’s game:

Select-> Times Tables ->Hit the Answer -> Mixed. You can decide whether you want to do Tables up to 10 or 12

Activities: I can subtract a 3 digit number from a 3/4 digit number.


To ensure your work is accurate, think about:

  • Estimating and checking an answer. It can be easy to make a careless mistake in a calculation so it is very helpful to estimate the answer before completing it using rounding or known facts.
  • Laying out a calculation. Remember the importance of lining up the digits correctly, particularly if there are two numbers of different sizes, e.g. a 6-digit number and a 4-digit number.
  • The importance of zero. It is particularly important in a written calculation to keep the digits in the columns where they belong.
  • Mental or written strategy. Look at a calculation and consider whether a mental or written strategy is most appropriate. Just because it is written as a formal calculation doesn’t mean you have to solve it that way. For example, the calculation 6034 – 5897 would be very difficult as a written calculation (as it involves exchange several times), but it is relatively easy to work out the difference by counting on.



Spend at least 10 minutes on Sumdog. Everyone at Woodlands has been entered into the North Lanarkshire Maths Contest. The contest started on Friday at 8am and finishes on Thursday 21st at 8pm.



Today, we are going to finish our class novel, “Danny the Champion of the World.”

Read Ch 22, page 90:

or listen and read along to the chapter through this link:


I can discuss the themes of the book.

Think about:

  • the strong relationship Danny has with his Dad
  • the heroes and the villains
  • Dahl’s use of humour throughout the story helps to keep the reader interested and wondering what will happen next
  • the rights and wrongs like poaching, underage driving, putting sugar in the petrol, using sleeping tablets to drug birds and corporal punishment in schools.

Complete the thinking routine of C.S.I. Choose a colour, a symbol and an image to represent one  of the theme from this book.



Symbol Image
Why? Why? Why?


At the end of the book, there is a message for Children who have read this book from Roald Dahl:

“When you grow up and have children of your own do please remember something important

a stodgy parent is no fun at all what a child wants and deserves is a parent who is SPARKY.”

Imagine what you would be like as a parent. How would you be a sparky parent? Write a paragraph or create an illustration explaining the different ways you would do to be a SPARKY Parent.

Share your illustration or paragraph with someone at home or email it to me

Take Care P6,

Mrs P




lundi le 18 mai

Good Morning Primary 6,


I hope you had a good weekend.

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and the theme is kindness.

This is such an important theme to celebrate and support, especially under these challenging times. One act of kindness can lead to many more. Can inspire as many people as possible to extend one act of kindness, first to yourself, and then to others?



Earlier this year, we had an assembly on the book Lucy’s Blue Day, do you remember?

Watch and listen to this short clip.

What do you think is they main/ key idea from this story?


It’s always a good time to think about Kindness, but as we are in lockdown, it’s particularly important.

What does being kind mean to you?

I can create a motivational/ positive/ kindness poster.

I would like you to create a poster.

It could include:

  • Colour (if possible)
  • A clear, bold message – (positive, motivational quote)
  • A poem
  • It might be ideas of how to help others, how to be kind, what to do when you feel down such as talk to family or friends over the phone, exercise, spend time outside, eat healthily
  • Pictures

You can post in on here or email me it if you would like to share it:

Here are some examples:



Can you do one act of kindness each day? You can comment on this post what you have done to give others ideas.


It might be a nice idea to display your poster somewhere if possible. Maybe you could put it on your window for those passing by to spread kindness and positivity at this hard time.


This week we are going to revise subtraction calculations. To ensure your work is accurate, think about:

  • Estimating and checking an answer. It can be easy to make a careless mistake in a calculation so it is very helpful to estimate the answer before completing it using rounding or known facts.
  • Laying out a calculation. Remember the importance of lining up the digits correctly, particularly if there are two numbers of different sizes, e.g. a 6-digit number and a 4-digit number.
  • The importance of zero. It is particularly important in a written calculation to keep the digits in the columns where they belong.
  • Mental or written strategy. Look at a calculation and consider whether a mental or written strategy is most appropriate. Just because it is written as a formal calculation doesn’t mean you have to solve it that way. For example, the calculation 6034 – 5897 would be very difficult as a written calculation (as it involves exchange several times), but it is relatively easy to work out the difference by counting on.


In the next few weeks, we’re going to revise multiplication calculations. To ensure you’ve got your times tables facts at your fingertips, each day this week for our mental starter, we’re going to play a game which helps you to revise your times tables. Here’s today’s game:

Select from the column on the right: Mixed Tables. This game focuses on the different vocabulary associated with multiplication.

Activities: I can subtract a 3 digit number from a 3 digit number.




Spend at least 10 minutes on Sumdog. Everyone at Woodlands has been entered into the North Lanarkshire Maths Contest. The contest started on Friday 15th at 8am and finishes on Thursday 21st at 8pm.

We need as many people from our class as possible to have a go at the contest so that we can appear on the leader board. Come on P6, let’s do this!!  Last week, I gave out coins to those children who spent time on Sumdog. Let’s see if you can earn some coins for yourself this week!

Let’s catch on to kindness.

Kindness Matters.

Mental Health Matters.

YOU Matter.

Mrs P