lundi le vingt sept avril

Morning Primary Six,

How beautiful was the weather on Saturday?  We got Rory’s paddling pool out then had a water fight which was, well….WET!  I hope you managed to have some fun too.

Remember, if you have any questions, you can e-mail me or comment on the blog and I will get back to you.



It’s been over 3 weeks since we last read our class novel,  so please skim and scan the last chapter we read, Chapter 20, to remind yourself of what happened. Now verbally tell someone at home what happened in Chapter 20 (summarise).


Skim and scan Chapter 20 then draw out (take on the role of the illustrator) a last memory from Chapter 20.


Follow this link and read Chapter 21- “Doc Spencer’s Surprise”.

(scroll to P87 to find the start of Chapter 21).

  • Why did Danny’s father give Sergeant Samways a funny look?
  • Were you surprised by this chapter? Why or why not?

Look at this vocabulary taken from Chapter 21: hush – constable – dismount – scoundrel – neutral – absurd – rogue – infernal – resplendent – entice – uproar

Write a sentence to explain the meaning of some of these words. Use a dictionary or an online dictionary to look up unfamiliar words.


Put each word into a sentence of your own. Ensure your sentence makes sense and the word is being used in the correct context.


Pick a section from Chapter 21. Practise reading with plenty of expression, showing awareness of punctuation and fluency. Ask if someone is able to listen to you read the section. Then ask them for a star (something you did well e.g. you read at a good pace; pausing when required for punctuation or for dramatic affect) and a wish (your next step, something to work on next time e.g. Using expression to make it more exciting and engage your listener).


This week, we are going to recap on angles and relate this to compass directions.

Today, we are doing a short activity on types of angles.


Watch the 2 short videos on this link and then complete the short quiz at the bottom.


I can recognise and identify angles.

Write the name of each angle (acute, right angle, obtuse, straight angle, reflex).

Write estimated degrees for each angle using your knowledge of each type of angle.

(You can draw these angles out and colour -code the type of angle if you wish or just write the answers next to the letters).



On Active Learn, you will see in your allocated games “Reel it in Game 14”. You can choose your level of difficulty by choosing Bronze, Silver or Gold.

Remember, to log in you use the first 4 letters of your first name followed by the first 4 letters of your second name.

Your password should be woodlands (any issues comment or e-mail me).

The school code is” 6KWA”

Until tomorrow everyone keep well and stay safe,

Mrs P x


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