mardi le 31 mars 🐝🌱🐸💐

Morning Boys and Girls,

I hope you’re all ok and managing to keep yourself safe.  Did you  get out in the fresh air yesterday?   I thought it felt very much like Spring although Rory thought it felt like Summer and wanted his paddling pool out!!!!  ☀🏊🏻🍡😖

I’ve been checking out Sumdog and quite a few of you have not been on since we left school over a week ago!! Try to go on everyday for at least 20 minutes   and remember to keep practising your tables- if you don’t use them, you’ll lose them (table facts)!!!!!

So here are today’s tasks:

Literacy- I can make notes to identify how a character is developed


Picture, in your mind, Mr Victor Hazell. Think about all of the things we know about him so far and why he is so vile. Can you think of some adjectives (words used to describe and give more information about a noun, which could be a person, place, animal or object) to describe Mr Victor Hazell? List these verbally to someone if you can.


Read Extract 3:

The big shiny silver Rolls-Royce had braked suddenly and come to a stop right alongside the filling station. Behind the wheel I could see the enormous pink beery face of Mr Victor Hazell staring at the pheasants. I could see the mouth hanging open, the eyes bulging out of his head like toadstools and the skin of his face turning from pink to bright scarlet. The car door opened and out he came, resplendent in fawncoloured riding-breeches and high polished boots. There was a yellow silk scarf with red dots on it round his neck, and he had a sort of bowler hat on his head. The great shooting party was about to begin and he was on his way to greet the guests.

He left the door of the Rolls open and came at us like a charging bull. My father, Doc Spencer and I stood close together in a little group, waiting for him. He started shouting at us the moment he got out of the car, and he went on shouting for a long time after that. I am sure you would like to know what he said, but I cannot possibly repeat it here. The language he used was so foul and filthy it scorched my earholes. Words came out of his mouth that I had never heard before and hope never to hear again. Little flecks of white foam began forming around his lips and running down his chin on to the yellow silk scarf.

I glanced at my father. He was standing very still and very calm, waiting for the shouting to finish. The colour was back in his cheeks now and I could see the tiny twinkling wrinkles of a smile around the corners of his eyes.

Doc Spencer stood beside him and he also was very calm. He was looking at Mr Hazell rather as one would look at a slug on a leaf of lettuce in the salad.

Focus on the three ways the author builds the character of Mr Hazell: appearance, action and dialogue.

Make 3 columns in your jotter with the headings: appearance, action and dialogue.

Use Extract 3 and makes notes under each heading to build up the character of Mr Hazell.

There is no direct speech or dialogue in this extract but we still learn about the way in which Mr Hazell speaks so you can record this.

Don’t forget to note any similes, metaphors or examples of alliteration.


How do William and the Doctor respond to the bully? Find the simile on the last line and explain what it suggests about the Doctor’s response to Mr Hazell.


Think about the feedback you received yesterday for your reading aloud. Read Extract 3 reflecting on what your wish was from yesterday’s feedback.

In Numeracy today, we are going to focus practise the method of rounding and adjusting to solve addition and subtraction calculations.


Watch the video and read the section below the video, which explains how to round a number:

Then, watch this second video and read the explanation below it on how to round decimal numbers:


I can round and adjust the numbers to make it easier to solve mentally.

Remember, round the trickier number to the nearest 10, solve your calculation and don’t forget to either add on, or take away the extra part you did at the start to make the easier number.

Eg. a) 59 is the trickier number so I added 1 to round it to 60, which is an easier number to work with. I then solved the calculation and at the end adjusted it back, as I added an extra 1, I had to remember to take the 1 away.

Calculation Rounded calculation and answer Adjusted Final answer

a)   59 + 45

(+1)60 + 45 = 105 105 – 1 104
b)   117 + 66 (+ _)   + 66 =  
c)   89 + 55  
d)   37 + 18  

e)   92 – 49


92 – 50 (+1) = 42


42 -1 =41



f)   66 – 39  
g)   104 – 27  
h)   52 – 26  



I can apply rounding and adjusting method to solve a word calculation.

  • Firstly, decide is it asking you to add or subtract.
  • Secondly, choose the trickier number and round it.
  • Thirdly, solve it and adjust.
  1. Jessica grew 674 watermelons and 122 cantaloupes. Mary grew 537 watermelons. How many watermelons did they grow in total?
  2. Nancy had £651 in her bank. She spent £398. How much money does she have now?
  3. Chloe had 95 Pokémon cards, and 7 were torn. Phil bought 36 of Chloe’s Pokémon cards. How many Pokémon cards does Chloe have now?
  4. Miss Smith ordered some pizzas for a party, she order 57 pepperoni and 36 Hawaiian. How many pizzas did she order?


Create a couple of Qs for someone at home or a friend over the phone.

Ask them to round a given number to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000.

Create a couple of addition and subtractions Qs if you can too.

Some come on P6, let me see how many of you will spend at least 20 minutes on Sumdog today!!!

Until tomorrow keep smiling,

Mrs P

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