P6 Homework W/B: 21.05.18 HEALTH WEEK

All Homework activities have a health focus this week.

 Complete at least 3 of the activities this week for homework from Tasks A-F

A) Plan and budget for a healthy 2 course meal for a family of 5

Choose and plan healthy and nutritional meal for a family of 5 – 2 adults and 3 children.

List the ingredients and the price of each ingredient (use online supermarket, or visit the supermarket)

Maximum £20 spend

Add up the total cost of everything needed for the meal

2 courses can be starter and main or main and dessert.


B) How does advertising and the media affect my food choices?

Try out these activities about food adverts and discuss what you find:

Look out for adverts for the same type of product (e.g. breakfast cereals) and discuss which one would make you want to try the product and why.

Compare different products that have a healthy image and investigate how healthy they really are.

Find a food advert that you really like.
Why do you like it?

At home, watch TV during the adverts in the evening. Which food products are being advertised? Which are healthy and unhealthy? Describe the best advert you see.


C) Create an advert which promotes a healthy food product.

It can be a poster or a recording.

It must include the health and nutrition benefits of the food

It must including tempting words and phrases that will make people want to buy the product.


D) Cooking and eating together

If you get the chance, help to cook a healthy, nutritional meal at home.  Write about the meal and its nutritional value.  Remember the benefits of eating together and try to sit and eat with people you love this week as much as possible.

E) Make your own healthy fruit smoothie or make your own pizza

Take a photo!


F) Scottish Produce

Research to find out which foods are locally available in different areas in Scotland.

Record your findings.


Everyone has selected one MINDFUL activity from:

  • Bedtime Gratitude
  • Calming Jars Activity
  • Describing Feelings

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