Homework 6/3/18 – 12/3/18



Everyone has their own spelling list for this week. Please follow the instructions on the sheet.


Please complete your multiplication sheet to help you become more confident in using the formal method of multiplication.

Practice saying the times tables at home. Play Times Traveller/Around the World as we do in class and try to beat as many people as you can!

There are many interactive sites to help you practise your multiplication skills.

 HWB – Fairtrade Fortnight

Prepare an information leaflet/neatly present in your jotter information which explains the main facts about Fairtrade:

·         History of Fairtrade

·         Products included

·         Impact of Fairtrade on the communities which are involved.

 As a P6 piece of work, there should be headings and subheadings, all information should be clearly laid out, it should make sense and all punctuation should be included.

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