Homework W/B 6th March


1) Continue to use Active Learn Account.

2) Estimate the time each event might take.

Think carefully about the unit you use.

  1. To write out the alphabet
  2. To wash a car
  3. For me to run 1 km
  4. For a seed to grow into a lettuce
  5. A netball match
  6. To travel by plane from Edinburgh to New York
  7. To cook a meal
  8. A TV advert
  9. For an elephant to become fully grown.
  10. Talk with someone at home. Together, estimate how long it might take to walk from Land’s End to John O’

3) Look at these screen shots.  Choose at least1 of the pages and complete in your jotter.


The weblink below has many links to different games and quizzes.  They will help to develop your understanding of nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs and apostrophes- all of which we have looked at in the past few weeks.


A Grammar photo story teaching children how to use apostrophes


Play apostrophe (for contraction) Snap.

shouldn’t              should not   

wouldn’t                would not

couldn’t                 could not

hadn’t                    had not

wasn’t                    was not

should’ve              should have

could’ve                could have

would’ve               would have

doesn’t                  does not

can’t                      cannot

don’t                      do not

shan’t                    shall not

let’s                       let us

I’m                         I am

we’re                     we are

it’s                        it is

they’re                   they are

mustn’t             must not

haven’t                  have not

she’s                     she is

you’ve                   you have

he’d                       he had

they’ll                    they will



Continue our World War II homework from the sheet given to you by Mrs Pollock.  You will have a choice for homework and earn House Points for the homework you bring in. Choose at least 2 activities per week from the sheet.  Keep the sheet somewhere safe as you will need it until 31st March.

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