Homework W/B 7th November


Homework W/B 7th November

 Many children still need to spend time learning their tables.  It would be helpful if the children could have their times tables “at their fingertips”.  The times tables help the children in so many areas of maths.  Each child in the class knows what tables they should be working on.  Between now and the end of December we will be having table tests every week.  Here are some ideas to help your child learn their tables:

TGT (Team Game Tournament) children can make the cards at home.

Chant/Sing/Write the tables out

http://www.teachingtables.co.uk/ (this website has links to many other websites)


  • We have been working on Thriller stories. Here are some ideas for you to write about

A Hobby- Two children go fishing.  One of them falls in the loch.  Who will come to rescue them?

Noises- Odd sounds are coming from the professor’s workshop.  The main character decided to investigate.

The box- A parcel arrives marked ‘Fragile-open with care@.  Someone clumsy tries to open it!

Night Lights- Two friends see strange lights at night.  They decide to stay up one night and solve the mystery.

  • Text Detectives- We have been looking at how powerful verbs can help writer show what characters are like rather than telling the reader what they are like. Look through different books and find examples of powerful verbs for walked, said and looked.

Remembrance Sunday:

  • The Victoria Cross is the highest award of the United Kingdom Honours system. It is awarded for gallantry “in the face of the enemy” to members of the British Armed Forces.
  • Research some of the 74 Scottish recipients of World War I who have received the Victoria Cross.  Complete:



Date of Birth:


Place of Birth:
Regiment or Battalion:
Victoria Cross Awarded For:
Interesting Facts:


  • Design a new medal to be awarded and describe the criteria for being awarded your medal.

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