Homework 23.05.16


We are focusing on drawing to scale & creating timetables for events (investigating how long activities take & planning our time) Below are some activities that will help.

A room plan (cm squared paper) Choose a room at home and draw a floor plan of this room on cm squared paper. Use steps to measure the dimensions of the room and furniture items and mark these on your plan, writing the scale on your plan, i.e. 1 cm = 1 step.

How long does it take? Estimate or measure how long it takes you to do a particular activity (e.g. brush your teeth, walk the dog, eat dinner, etc.). Record this for four days. Back in class compare your findings with a friend. Who spent most time brushing their teeth?

Exercise at home Create a 10 minute exercise programme which you could do at home. The programme should include short rest times.

Create a Timetable Create your own timetable for Sports Day. What activities would you choose & how long would you do them for?


Use the website Panoramas to describe a setting. What would you see, hear, feel & smell.

Create a character profile for a favourite character (book/TV/Film) It can take the form of a picture & paragraph or brainstorm. Try to include as much important information as you can – name, likes/dislikes, special powers, family members, friends, where they live, hobbies, etc.


Draw your self portrait (or a family member or friend) in the style of Pablo Picasso

School Show:

Continue to practice your show words & actions 🙂

Making Graphs Using Computers

This afternoon we used Excel to create a database for a collection of books from the class library.  We learned how to change the font and colour and also how to put the information onto the database.  This was part of our maths work.  We will finish it next week.

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Safe in the Sun

This afternoon we attended a workshop about Keeping Safe in the Sun led by Stephanie from Babcock. We learned about the sun, its effects on the skin and how we can keep safe in the sun.  We all got a white band which changes colour to tell us when  we need to put on sun protection.

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P5/6 Homework Week Beginning 9th May

Maths Continue Data Handling

Misleading? – Look through the newspaper or a news website together and find articles displaying data or statistics of any sort.  Consider or discuss together how accurate this data is, and whether or not it has been presented in such a way as to mislead or influence the reader.  If a good example is found, ask your child to bring it into school for discussion.

Switch It!  – Look online or in the newspapers to find information that has been presented as a table, pie chart, bar graph or line graph.  Challenge your child to take the information and change it to a different form (e.g. from a pie chart into a table).  How does this affect the way we think about the information?  Bring an example into class to discuss with the teacher.

Website 1 – http://www.skysports.com A rich source of tables to analyse and interpret.

Website 2 – http://www.mathsisfun.com/data/data-graph.php A simple tool for creating bar graphs, line graphs and pie charts.

Website 3 – http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks3/maths/handling_data/representing_data/revision/1/ An excellent website for rehearsing and extending knowledge and skills linked to displaying and interpreting data.

Website 4 – http://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/7-11-years/data-handling A range of interactive data analysis activities.



Play Who Wants to be a Millionaire Probability          http://www.primaryresources.co.uk/maths/mathsF2.htm





Task one. Look at this list of adverbs.
Copy each sentence down and fill in the space with one of these adverbs.

(Read it and make sure it makes sense first!)

1. I eat crisps ———-.
2.In class I listen ——–.
3. At night I sleep ———–.
4. When I am working I whisper ———— to my friends.
5. I run ——— to escape from Julie.
6. I spoke ———– to my brother Lee after he had broken my toy.
7. The rabbit passed ———— past the fox’s den.
8. Hilda walked ———- in her new high-heeled shoes.

Task Two. Copy these sentences into your books. Underline the adverb in each sentence.

1. The rain fell heavily throughout the night.
2. The boy spoke rudely to his mum.
3. The time passed slowly as Tim waited for his friends.
4. The girl sang loudly during hymn practice.
5. The river flowed rapidly after the storm.
6. Shelly was dressed smartly for the party.
7. We must always cross the road safely.
8. The nurse treated me gently after my fall.

Health and Well Being

How many times can you Beat the Street?  Will you walk, cycle or run?   Don’t forget 2 hits = 1 point.  Make sure an adult knows where you are going and who you are going with!



  • Mixing solids with water. Find out what happens to solids when they are added to water.  You could try coffee, tea, sugar, salt, rice, flour etc.  Record your results in a table with the headings


Name of Solid What I think will happen What happened


  • Here are some scientific words to help you describe what happened but be careful because not all of them are useful:

Solid liquid dissolve solution melt undissolved dissolved mixed water solidified solidify freeze

  • Now group the solids into sets according to what happened when you mixed them with water. Did you get any surprises?