P5/6 Homework Week Beginning 10th February

In Maths we will be looking at units of time.
Go to this website and find out which day of the week, date, month and year you were born on.

Monday’s Child by Mother Goose
Monday’s Child is fair of face
Tuesday Child is full of grace
Wednesday’s Child is full of woe
Thursday’s Child has far to go
Friday’s Child is loving and giving
Saturday’s Child works hard for a living
But the Child that is born
On the Sabbath Day,
Is witty and wise and good and happy!
Can you find out what the poem says about other people in your house?

For extra practise on timeΒ  including worksheets and games have a look at:

We still need to practise our times tables. Have a look at this link to the Guardian Education Blog for some great resources and ideas to help provide a solid times tables platform. This link also explains why learners need to know their tables.

Letter of Complaint
Imagine that you’ve been feeling poorly and have taken some medicine to help you get better.
Imagine that instead of making you better (doing what it said on the bottle) the medicine has actually done something unexpected to you.
Perhaps the medicine has made you bigger or smaller. Maybe the medicine has changed you into something else!
What you have to do is write a letter of complaint to the people who made the medicine.
Make sure that you tell them what has happened to you. Tell them what things you now find difficult because of the effects of the medicine (you could also mention anything that you find easier!). Tell them exactly what you want them to do about the situation and why.
Remember to set out your letter correctly!

Pancake Tuesday
In France they call it Mardi Gras, which means Grease or Fat Tuesday. Research and find other names, used around the world, for Pancake Tuesday. Did you make pancakes? Write down the recipe in your thinking jotter- don’t forget to include the ingredients and equipment used.

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