P5/6 Homework Week Beginning 25th January


Real-life time – at home or in their local surroundings, ask your child to look for representations of time shown on clocks, whether on real clocks or on posters, in newspapers, etc. both analogue and digital format. Ask them to draw them in their homework jotter.

Have a look at this website:


There are many worksheets which involve telling the time both in analogue and digital times. There are also many ICT games to play.  Pick at least 6 activities from this website.

Design a clock, watch or time keeping device. Bring it into class to show the rest of the pupils.

Times Tables – Keep practising them. Many children’s scores dropped last week in their tables test.



Robert Burns is widely regarded as Scotland’s greatest poet. So to mark Burns Night on 25 January, here’s a variety of activities for you to try and learn about his life and work:





Can you research Robert Burns’s life and answer these questions:

  1. Where was he born?
  2. What was his nationality?
  3. What was he famous for?
  4. Would you like to meet him? Explain your reason.
  5. What would you have talked about?


This is our last fortnight with our KID POWER BANDS. It is our last opportunity to gain as many KID POWER POINTS.  Keep a record of the points you earn for the next fortnight.  Think of ways/activities that will get you active and earn points.  Soon we will be handing the bands to another class can you create a list of top tips to help them get the best from the bands?

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