Great Start to the Week

This morning, before going to gym, we were given our spelling words for the week. We then practised our lists using an active learning approach.



On Friday afternoon, as long as it’s not too wet, our class will be going over to the nature reserve along the banks of the Luggie. If you have wellies and a waterproof jacket then please bring them along. If you don’t have wellies then an old pair of shoes/boots will be fine as the path will be muddy.

4 thoughts on “Great Start to the Week”

  1. for p5/6 homework do the children look at everything that is on the blog or is there certain parts for p5 and certain parts for p6?

    1. Hi, thanks for your message. The children should look at all of the items on the blog for everything except Maths. Maths has been split into the different work children will have been covering. If you ask your child what they have been working on in class they will be able to tell you which parts of the Maths section of the homework blog relates to them. Hope this helps. Thanks very much

    1. Hi, thanks for your message. Unfortunately our computers don’t always mirror the access children may have at home so your feedback is very much appreciated, thank you. There does seem to be an error on that page, I will update the link today by hometime. Thanks

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