Tag Archives: Record Breaker Challenge

2015 Summer Challenge


Today we were invited to Abronhill Library to find out about the 2015 Record Breakers Reading Challenge! The theme of the day was Record Breakers and we heard three stories narrated by Fergus and Ron of Mac-A-Story.

The first story was about Finn McCool who was a Knight in golden armour and needed helpers to assist him on his adventure to defeat the giant and reclaim stolen goods. In total he had seven helpers. Jody was the light fingered thief who helped to capture the goods and Dominic was the best archer in the land who shot the giant to defeat him!

The next story was about Atlantis who was a Princess who the fastest runner in the land. Nobody was able to defeat her.

The final story was about Thor, the God of Thunder who was the strongest person in the world. Christian was very lucky to be chosen as Thor and did a great job acting out each part of the story!

We are very excited to be taking part in the Record Breakers Challenge – if we want to take part we have to complete the registration card and return it to school tomorrow. The challenge is to read six books during the summer holidays.

Click the picture to find out more information.


‘I enjoyed hearing the stories and I would like to break some records!’ – Mariana

‘There were thousands of books in the library and the show was very funny!’ – Joshua

‘The show was really fun. I also got to see some friends from another school.’ – Beth

‘I enjoyed taking part in the songs and dances, they were fun!’ – Holly

‘I really hope we can beat the Record Breaker Challenge!’ – Megan C

‘I am looking forward to doing the challenge – I hope we break the record.’ – Megan R

‘It was hilarious and I had a brilliant time! I hope we break the record in the challenge, I’m very excited!’ – Jack Sm