burns cottage

Primary 4/5 had a great day out exploring Burns cottage in Alloway!

We learned how butter was made in the olden days. Ladies would have to churn the butter. – Seren

I enjoy making the butter. We were in the winning team because only our team managed to make the butter. We used the pastry brush instead of the whisk. – Sophia F

I I liked learning about the chores Burns did in his cottage. – Finlay

We learned that whisks in the olden days were made out of horse hair. – Robyn

Burns mum would always sing to him at night and his aunt would tell him horror stories. – Jessica Q

I liked learning about how Burns lived. There were three rooms in the house. The bedroom/kitchen would hold 7 or 8 people. – Cole

We learned about different tools girls and boys would use. – Holli




Due to severe weather conditions, many pupils were not able to make it to school today.

As a result, I have provided some activities below which the children can access:






There are various other games on topmarks for the children to try! 🙂






Stay safe,

Miss Ahmed x



I enjoyed learning about digital time. I can tell the digital time. – Sophia F

I liked writing about my very special birthday. – Cole

I liked learning our Scottish song – Bonnie wee Jeannie McColl.  – Kayden

I enjoyed learning about digital time. I can convert analogue time to digital time. – Juan

I liked learning how to tell the time on a digital clock – Hannah




New year! New learning!

I learned about the different equipment that is used for experiments in science. We learned the different names. – Holli

I enjoyed learning about plants in outdor learning. I learned that most seeds have a shell around them, – James

I learned about time this week. I learned how to tell the time in words using minutes past and to. – Seren

I learned that if a plant is over 6 feet then it is a tree, if it is under then it is a shrub. – Toby

I enjoyed learning about Robert Burn’s. He started writing at the age of 15. – Keir

I learned about Robert Burn’s. He use to live in Dumfries and Ayr. He made hundreds of songs. – Jayden

weekly update!

‘I liked using different strategies to solve maths problems’ – Harry

‘I enjoyed doing division with remainders’ – Sophia F

‘I liked doing CLIC challenge in maths’ – Harvey

‘I liked doing different strategies to work out addition ad subtraction questions – Juan

‘I enjoyed song practise this week’ – Ellie-Mae

‘I liked drinking hot chocolate in our writing lesson. We got to smell the hot chocolate and drink it so we could come up with descriptions for our writing. – Hannah



I enjoyed learning about Hanukkah. It’s the festival of Light in the religion of Judaism. – Robyn

I enjoyed the pantomime. My favourite part was when Mr Young went on stage. – Kayden

I liked learning about division. I can divide 2 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers. – Cole

I enjoyed the pantomime. My favourite part was when Robin had the arrow. – Jessica H

I enjoyed looking at Bloom’s questions this week. I liked using different skills: remembering, understanding and creating. – Jayden

I learned how to divide. – Calvin



Come along to the Christmas fayre tomorrow from 10am until 12pm!

We have a fabulous stall with lots of BAUBLES!! We will be selling our chocolate filled baubles:

small baubles – £2.50

large baubles – £3.50


We will also have order forms available at our stall if you wish to buy our lovely personalised baubles!

personalised baubles – £4

Happy ordering and thank you for your support! 🙂


‘I enjoyed Maths. I liked learning how to divide’ – Liam

‘I enjoyed song practice’ – Sophia M

‘I liked doing dancing in P.E.’  – Ellie-Mae

‘I enjoyed making my personalised glitter bauble.’ – Jessica Q

‘I enjoyed doing Maths because it was fun doing times tables’ – Alfie

I liked doing Christmas enterprise. I made my personalised bauble.’ – Toby



Our Class Page – We hope you enjoy looking at some of the things we do in Primary 4/5. Please feel free to leave a comment.

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