Tag Archives: POLO

Power Off and Learn Outdoors

Today we had a fantastic day learning outdoors. We took part in lots of activities like Hula Hoop Problem Solving, a Scavenger Hunt, Making a Habitat and creating a natural piece of art.

 “Today I enjoyed making my minibeast habitat. I’m sure they will love it! It was the best day ever.” – Anthony

“I enjoyed everything about today but my most favourite thing was making the minibeast habitat.” – Nicole

“Today I enjoyed moving the hula hoops without breaking the chain. It was good fun.” – Alfie

“I loved making the face made out of mud. It was even better because my team won!”- Eva

“Today my favourite activity was making the minibeast habitat. I enjoyed it because I liked gathering all the supplies.” – Caiden

“Today the best activity was searching around the Nature Garden. We loved making the habitat becaise we used stones and soil to put it together.” – Briony and Darby