Category Archives: Awards

Mrs Murdoch’s Mega Money

This week we introduced Mrs Murdoch’s Mega Money where we earn pounds for excellent work, visits to Mrs Hunter with great work, homework and every time we reach ten Dojo Points.

We came up with some fantastic ideas for prizes. Some of the prizes are A Special Lunchtime Treat, Teacher for a Day, Games During Assembly, A Trip to the Park with Friends and No Homework for a Week!! We had to check that these prizes were okay with Mrs Hunter because they are so fabulous!!

“I’m saving my pounds up to get a chance to use the fancy Emoji cushion. I need three more pounds!” – Anthony

“I am saving up for a Special Lunch. It costs 35 pounds but it is worth it because I will choose a McDonalds!!” – Eva

“I’ve earned one pound for handing in my completed homework on time. I want to win all the prizes but I’m saving up to be teacher for the day! I can’t wait to learn about some animals on that day!” – Darby

“Mrs Murdoch’s Mega Money is an amazing way to learn about honesty, respect and friendship. It is teaching me to look after my money. I am saving up for a trip to the park with my friends” – Megan

“I am really enjoying Mrs Murdoch’s Mega Money because it is teaching me to look after property and to be nice to other people. Pounds make prizes and I am saving up to be teacher for a day where we will learn about video games!!” – Ben

Primary 4 Awards Ceremony

Well done to everyone for receiving an award at our Primary 4 Assembly today! You have all worked so hard this year and we have enjoyed lots of fun and many achievements. Thank you all, for trying hard, behaving well and making Primary 4 a fantastic place to be! 😀

Remember to put your tie pins on to show off all our wonderful achievements!



** Special Lunch **


This week Primary 4 won Prize 3 of the ME Time Awards, which was ‘Special Lunches’. Each day we got to go into the lunch hall a bit earlier than all other classes so we could get first choice for our lunch. We also had beautifully decorated tables with special stars and table mats, it was great!

‘I liked it because it was a little quieter when we got in the hall first.’ – Christian

‘I loved getting in earlier than all the other classes!’ – Megan C

‘It was excellent because we didn’t have to wait for our dinners!’ – Robbie

At Assembly on Monday we found out that we had collected most ME Time Tickets AGAIN this week and we have now won Prize 4, which is ‘The Big Day In’!! We are now thinking of some ideas for our celebrations! We can’t wait! 😀
