Category Archives: Confident Individual

Weekly Update!

“This week I have enjoyed thinking of my own invention inspired by Willy Wonka.” – Nicole

“I’ve enjoyed painting the mural of Augustus Gloop for the wall display.” – Danielle

“I’ve loved the show practises this week, especially when we got to use the props!” – Eva

“I’ve enjoyed learning the show songs and dances.” – Aimee

“I can’t wait for the show rehearsal on Monday where we will get to wear our costumes!” – Darby

“In Maths I have learned that 1kg is equal to 1000g.” – Aidan

“I managed to complete four laps of the Daily Mile in 5 minutes 32 seconds, next week I will try to be even faster and get 4 minutes 30 seconds.” – Ross

“I’ve enjoyed creating collages this week, I liked working with other people.” – Kieran


Friday Update

weekly-update-clipart-1“I enjoyed making the juices. It was fun to measure out the correct amount.” – Nicole

“This week in Maths I enjoyed making the potions when doing Volume, it was really fun!” – Ryan

“We have been learning about Volume in Maths. I liked measuring out the Sky Juice.” – Calvin

“I enjoyed making potions because I like mixing ingredients together.” – Aimee

“I learned that there are 1000ml in a litre. There are 500ml in half a litre.” – Darby

“When we were measuring we had to make sure we put the correct amount of liquid in – to do this we used the scale on the side of the measuring jug.” – Briony

Mrs Murdoch’s Mega Money

This week we introduced Mrs Murdoch’s Mega Money where we earn pounds for excellent work, visits to Mrs Hunter with great work, homework and every time we reach ten Dojo Points.

We came up with some fantastic ideas for prizes. Some of the prizes are A Special Lunchtime Treat, Teacher for a Day, Games During Assembly, A Trip to the Park with Friends and No Homework for a Week!! We had to check that these prizes were okay with Mrs Hunter because they are so fabulous!!

“I’m saving my pounds up to get a chance to use the fancy Emoji cushion. I need three more pounds!” – Anthony

“I am saving up for a Special Lunch. It costs 35 pounds but it is worth it because I will choose a McDonalds!!” – Eva

“I’ve earned one pound for handing in my completed homework on time. I want to win all the prizes but I’m saving up to be teacher for the day! I can’t wait to learn about some animals on that day!” – Darby

“Mrs Murdoch’s Mega Money is an amazing way to learn about honesty, respect and friendship. It is teaching me to look after my money. I am saving up for a trip to the park with my friends” – Megan

“I am really enjoying Mrs Murdoch’s Mega Money because it is teaching me to look after property and to be nice to other people. Pounds make prizes and I am saving up to be teacher for a day where we will learn about video games!!” – Ben

Power Off and Learn Outdoors

Today we had a fantastic day learning outdoors. We took part in lots of activities like Hula Hoop Problem Solving, a Scavenger Hunt, Making a Habitat and creating a natural piece of art.

 “Today I enjoyed making my minibeast habitat. I’m sure they will love it! It was the best day ever.” – Anthony

“I enjoyed everything about today but my most favourite thing was making the minibeast habitat.” – Nicole

“Today I enjoyed moving the hula hoops without breaking the chain. It was good fun.” – Alfie

“I loved making the face made out of mud. It was even better because my team won!”- Eva

“Today my favourite activity was making the minibeast habitat. I enjoyed it because I liked gathering all the supplies.” – Caiden

“Today the best activity was searching around the Nature Garden. We loved making the habitat becaise we used stones and soil to put it together.” – Briony and Darby

Sports Relief

Today we’ve had a fantastic time raising money for Sports Relief. All the money raised goes towards helping others – half the money stays in the UK and the other half goes towards helping people in other countries around the world.

“I really enjoyed running a mile for Sports Relief. I thought it was quite easy and even managed to do a little bit extra!” – Caiden

“I had fun playing games on the tarmac. I almost won but the time just ran out!” – Taylor

“Today I enjoyed playing games on the tarmac and cheering on Mrs Murdoch when she was chasing people in the class!” – Briony

“Today I enjoyed running the mile to help raise money for people who are less fortunate than us. I felt really proud of myself!” – Eva

This week in Maths we have been learning about Fractions, particularly equivalent fractions. Some equivalent fractions we learned are: one half is the same as two quarters, one third is the same as two sixths and one fifth is the same as two tenths.

We had great fun making pizzas to show equivalent fractions.

“I enjoyed making pizzas for fractions – they looked so delicious when they were cooked.” – Ryan

“I had fun making the pizzas, it helped me to learn more about fractions.” – Innaya

Weekly Update


This week we have been very busy in Primary 4/5. Here are some of the things we have enjoyed doing:

“I enjoyed sharing out the Skittles for Division with my partners Danielle and Darby.” – Eva

“This week I enjoyed mixing colours in Art. It was interesting to see different tones of colour.” – Megan

“In the Charity Council we’ve been learning a Sports Relief song called Step it Up. I enjoyed performing it with Kayleigh in front of the class.” – Darby

“This week I enjoyed mixing all the colours in Art because it was fun and quite messy. I’m looking forward to finishing the task next week.” – Kayleigh

“I liked doing the rolls across the mat in Gymnastics. My favourite roll was a forward roll. I think I’ve got better at it.” – Xander

“I had fun doing Gymnastics in P.E. I’m looking forward to using the trampoline and the box next week.” – Taylor


Division with Skittles

Today we were sharing Skittles out for our Division work.

“I enjoyed sharing the Skittles. I learned how to do Division.” – Darby

“I enjoyed doing the sharing activity. It was fun to share the Skittle out and it was great to eat them at the end.” – Nicole

“I enjoyed putting the Skittles into the circles.” – Ben

“Today I enjoyed sharing the Skittles and I feel more confident with Division.” – Briony

Donald Where’s Your Troosers??


All week we have been practising our song and dance for the Scottish Assembly. We had great fun learning the words and coming up with different dance moves for our performance of ‘Donald Where’s Your Troosers??’

We were very nervous on the lead up to our big moment but when we got up on stage all our nerves were gone and we were fantastic…so fantastic that we even won first place!!

Well done to everyone for your fantastic performance, you were great! 😀 

“We were really confident and performed well!” – Anthony

“We had lots of fun and we were really happy to win first prize.” – Kayleigh

“When we won first prize we were all really happy!” – Darby

“We did really well performing in front of all the classes!” – Nicole

“We had a great time performing our Scottish song – we can’t wait for the next competition!” – Aimee

“We had lots of fun and we enjoyed winning the competition.” – Briony

Thank you very much to Mrs Stewart and the Competitions Council for organising the event – we had a great time and loved our prizes 😀 😀




Today we were mixing colours with black and white to get different tones of colour.

“I enjoyed mixing colours today because it was fun.” – Eva D

“I had fun learning about a new artist called Kandinsky and his style of painting.” – Caleb

“I enjoyed Kandinsky’s circle art. He uses mixed colours and different shapes in his work.” – Briony

“It was great fun painting, my favourite part was mixing the colours.” – Aimee

“Kandinsky’s style of painting is really cool. It is called abstract. I enjoyed doing an abstract painting in class today.” – Kayleigh

Have a look at some of our finished work!

3D Robots

Today we painted our robots and now they are really coming to life! All we have to do now is paint on their features and details.

“I liked painting our robot today because it started to look realistic.” – Caiden

“I had fun painting my robot – I loved it!” – Eva S

“I had fun painting my robot and working with my partner.” – Baighley

“I liked painting the robot because it was really fun and is starting to look realistic!” – Taylor