Category Archives: Maths and Numeracy

Weekly Update!

“This week I have enjoyed thinking of my own invention inspired by Willy Wonka.” – Nicole

“I’ve enjoyed painting the mural of Augustus Gloop for the wall display.” – Danielle

“I’ve loved the show practises this week, especially when we got to use the props!” – Eva

“I’ve enjoyed learning the show songs and dances.” – Aimee

“I can’t wait for the show rehearsal on Monday where we will get to wear our costumes!” – Darby

“In Maths I have learned that 1kg is equal to 1000g.” – Aidan

“I managed to complete four laps of the Daily Mile in 5 minutes 32 seconds, next week I will try to be even faster and get 4 minutes 30 seconds.” – Ross

“I’ve enjoyed creating collages this week, I liked working with other people.” – Kieran


Friday Update

weekly-update-clipart-1“I enjoyed making the juices. It was fun to measure out the correct amount.” – Nicole

“This week in Maths I enjoyed making the potions when doing Volume, it was really fun!” – Ryan

“We have been learning about Volume in Maths. I liked measuring out the Sky Juice.” – Calvin

“I enjoyed making potions because I like mixing ingredients together.” – Aimee

“I learned that there are 1000ml in a litre. There are 500ml in half a litre.” – Darby

“When we were measuring we had to make sure we put the correct amount of liquid in – to do this we used the scale on the side of the measuring jug.” – Briony

Sports Relief

Today we’ve had a fantastic time raising money for Sports Relief. All the money raised goes towards helping others – half the money stays in the UK and the other half goes towards helping people in other countries around the world.

“I really enjoyed running a mile for Sports Relief. I thought it was quite easy and even managed to do a little bit extra!” – Caiden

“I had fun playing games on the tarmac. I almost won but the time just ran out!” – Taylor

“Today I enjoyed playing games on the tarmac and cheering on Mrs Murdoch when she was chasing people in the class!” – Briony

“Today I enjoyed running the mile to help raise money for people who are less fortunate than us. I felt really proud of myself!” – Eva

This week in Maths we have been learning about Fractions, particularly equivalent fractions. Some equivalent fractions we learned are: one half is the same as two quarters, one third is the same as two sixths and one fifth is the same as two tenths.

We had great fun making pizzas to show equivalent fractions.

“I enjoyed making pizzas for fractions – they looked so delicious when they were cooked.” – Ryan

“I had fun making the pizzas, it helped me to learn more about fractions.” – Innaya

Weekly Update


This week has been very busy in Primary 4/5. Read some of our comments to see what we have been up to.

“I enjoyed starting our new reading book – Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. My favourite part so far has been learning about the characters.” – Ross

“This week I enjoyed making fractions with pancakes in Maths. I enjoyed this because we got to eat them at the end and they were very tasty!” – Kieran

“This week I enjoyed playing with the different magnets and finding out which metals are magnetic. We tested different magnets to see which one was the strongest. The strongest one was the wand magnet.” – Darby

“Next week I am looking forward to creating a fraction pizza using halves, quarters and thirds.” – Anthony

“I was so happy when Iona returned to school yesterday. It was great to see her so happy to be back in class!” – Nicole

Welcome back Iona, it’s great to have you again! 😀

Division with Skittles

Today we were sharing Skittles out for our Division work.

“I enjoyed sharing the Skittles. I learned how to do Division.” – Darby

“I enjoyed doing the sharing activity. It was fun to share the Skittle out and it was great to eat them at the end.” – Nicole

“I enjoyed putting the Skittles into the circles.” – Ben

“Today I enjoyed sharing the Skittles and I feel more confident with Division.” – Briony

3D Robots

Today we painted our robots and now they are really coming to life! All we have to do now is paint on their features and details.

“I liked painting our robot today because it started to look realistic.” – Caiden

“I had fun painting my robot – I loved it!” – Eva S

“I had fun painting my robot and working with my partner.” – Baighley

“I liked painting the robot because it was really fun and is starting to look realistic!” – Taylor

Paper Mache Robots

Today we had great fun using paper mache to make our 3D robots strong and sturdy.

“I liked using paper mache for my robot because it was very messy!” – Innaya

“I loved doing the paper mache because it was fun and messy – afterwards my hands were very sticky!” – Kayleigh

“Today I enjoyed getting messy! The dried glue was peeling off my hands. I enjoyed making my robot stronger.” – Briony

“The paper mache was very fun. I liked sticking the paper on my robot.” – Alfie

Hopefully, tomorrow all the paper mache has dried. We will be painting on Wednesday as the Primary 5’s are out at swimming tomorrow and we don’t want them to miss out. Check our blog on Wednesday to see our robots coming to life!

This week I enjoyed…

“building the 3D robots because it was fun.” – Baighley

“adding all the 3D shapes together to create my robot.” – Taylor

“mixing colours during art because we had fun mixing primary colours on a colour wheel.” – Eva D

“learning about growth mindsets because it was fun.” – Ryan

“mixing paint. I learned about a new artist and looked at some of his paintings.” – Nicole

“building the 3D robots because I recycled all of my unwanted junk!” – Kieran

Next week we are looking forward to using paper mache to make our 3D robots strong and sturdy. After that, we will paint the robots using special metallic paint – we can’t wait!

Look back next week to see our fabulous robots!

2D Shape


2D Shape Robots

Today we had fun creating robots using 2D shapes. We experimented using different shapes for different body parts. 

“I had fun making my robot. I used a square for the head and rectangles for the arms and legs.” – Eva S

“Today I made a robot. I used a circle for the head and a rectangle for the body.” – Kai

“I used a square for the head and a rectangle for the body. I used more rectangles for the arms and legs then gave my robots wheels for his feet.” – Xander

“We made robots today. I made a bunny robot. I used a rectangle for the body and a square for the head. I used rectangles for the feet, legs and arms.” – Nicole

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Division Challenge!

Today we have been practising some mental maths games to prepare for our Division Challenge with Primary 4b! Both classes are great at Division so the competition should be very close! We cannot wait for it! 😀

‘B for best and A for awesome – both classes will be super!’ – Emma

‘I really like learning division by playing Sum Sense!’ – Mariana

‘Good Luck to both classes – I’m excited about playing Division Divers.’ – Niamh

‘I really enjoyed playing Division Divers because I am really fast!” – Logan

‘I really enjoyed the class games Division Divers and Sum Sense. It is helping me to learn how to divide.’ – Declyn

‘The games make learning division a lot easier and they are really fun!’ – Megan C
