Weekly Update!

“This week I have enjoyed thinking of my own invention inspired by Willy Wonka.” – Nicole

“I’ve enjoyed painting the mural of Augustus Gloop for the wall display.” – Danielle

“I’ve loved the show practises this week, especially when we got to use the props!” – Eva

“I’ve enjoyed learning the show songs and dances.” – Aimee

“I can’t wait for the show rehearsal on Monday where we will get to wear our costumes!” – Darby

“In Maths I have learned that 1kg is equal to 1000g.” – Aidan

“I managed to complete four laps of the Daily Mile in 5 minutes 32 seconds, next week I will try to be even faster and get 4 minutes 30 seconds.” – Ross

“I’ve enjoyed creating collages this week, I liked working with other people.” – Kieran