Weekly Update!

We have had another great week in primary 4/5 filled with lots of new learning!

‘I really liked learning about Islam. Miss Ahmed could speak Arabic!’ – Sophia F

‘I liked doing story writing this week. I wrote about Mrs Twit’ – Cole

‘I liked learning about the Arabic language when we were looking at Islam’ – Toby

‘I enjoyed doing our Mrs Twit character descriptions’ Jessica Q

‘I learned how to add hundreds, tens and units this week’ – Jayden

‘I liked doing the Mrs Twit character description’ – Holli

‘I liked learning how to do 3 digit addition sums’ – Liam

‘I enjoyed writing a summary about ‘The Queen’s Nose’ (our book)’ – Keir

Weekly Update!

Here are some of the things Primary 4/5  learned and enjoyed this week..

‘I learned how to add tens and units and partition numbers!’ – Finlay

‘I liked making my olympic torch using different materials’ – Jayden

‘I liked making my olympic torch’ – Seren

‘I enjoyed doing my speedy tables because I know my 3 x table now’ – Robyn

‘I liked learning about metalinguistics in literacy so I could find the meamings of tricky words. I learned some new words.’ – Taylor



Primary 4/5 had a fantastic time at the school fun day to celebrate Whitelees 40th birthday!

We had a fab day going around all the different activities. Here are some pictures to show what we got up to during the day! Our favourite part was definitely the ice-cream van!! 😀

Well done to Sophia McGinlay for winning the best birthday cake design competition 🙂