Weekly Update!

‘I loved the halloween disco. We got to dance and we got sweets. We had so much fun!’ – Jessica Q

‘I learned about time this week. I learned that there are 100 years in a century.’ – Alfie

‘I liked doing art this week. We made tree silhouettes. We got to mix colours to create different shades’ – Robyn

‘I liked writing a summary about my book’ – Liam

‘I enjoyed doing the maths assessment.’ – Sophia M

‘I enjoyed learning how to spell tricky words. I am better at spelling’ – Holli

Weekly Update!

‘I enjoyed bike ability this week’ – Hannah

‘I learned how to redraft my work’ – Harvey

‘I enjoyed learning about the gods in ancient Egypt. I was writing about Anubis and Horus.’ – Calvin

‘I enjoyed learning about how to exchange numbers.  I can exchange by myself.’ – Ellie-Mae

‘I learned how to exchange numbers in maths.’ – Kayden

‘I enjoyed learning how to write in hieroglyphics’ – Juan