Technology Volcanoes Day 1

Today we created 3D volcanoes using paper mache. First of all we dipped the paper into the glue and then stuck it onto the wire of our volcano.

We continued doing this until we had 2-3 layers. Then we gave a final coating using PVA glue. We need to leave them now for 24 hours to let them harden.

“I enjoyed getting messy with the PVA glue-it was all sticky and felt weird!” – Anthony

“I liked sticking on the paper mache.”-  Aidan

“I liked getting messy and applying the paper mache.” – Aimee

“I had great fun creating my volcano and it was very messy!” – Taylor

“I enjoyed shaping the wire to make it look like a volcano.” – Darby

“The work today was awesome, I loved making the volcano models!” – Megan

Check back tomorrow to see our volcanoes…we can’t wait to paint them!!