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*URGENT* Annie School Show Requirements

Annie_logo_51c067bdb94f0As you know the whole school are busy rehearsing for the summer show.  The Primary 4 pupils are playing orphans from the Whitelees Orphanage and, if possible, are required to wear scruffy clothes and bring in dusters or cleaning utensils.  Emma K is an NYC girl and, if possible, should wear party clothes.  Our dress rehearsal is next Monday but we would be very happy if pupils could start bringing these items in as soon as possible and they can be stored in the classroom.

Mrs Hunter has also asked if pupils could bring in family photos that can be played on the big screen as part of a slideshow at the beginning of the show.  These would be scanned and returned the same day.

We are all very excited for the show and your help and support in providing costumes and photos is very much appreciated.


Flat Emily


Flat Emily has been out and about again! This time she had an exciting time at the race track, racing on a go kart!

Emily is definitely much braver than me…I think I’ll stick to racing on Mario Kart! 😀 😀



Dig In Day

Image-1This Saturday we invite you to join us at our ‘Dig In’ Day to help improve our Outdoor Area!


If you can spare some time between 11am and 2pm we would love to see you 🙂 Fingers crossed the weather is kind to us and we can make a real difference in our playground.
