Category Archives: Technologies

3D Robots

Today we painted our robots and now they are really coming to life! All we have to do now is paint on their features and details.

“I liked painting our robot today because it started to look realistic.” – Caiden

“I had fun painting my robot – I loved it!” – Eva S

“I had fun painting my robot and working with my partner.” – Baighley

“I liked painting the robot because it was really fun and is starting to look realistic!” – Taylor

Paper Mache Robots

Today we had great fun using paper mache to make our 3D robots strong and sturdy.

“I liked using paper mache for my robot because it was very messy!” – Innaya

“I loved doing the paper mache because it was fun and messy – afterwards my hands were very sticky!” – Kayleigh

“Today I enjoyed getting messy! The dried glue was peeling off my hands. I enjoyed making my robot stronger.” – Briony

“The paper mache was very fun. I liked sticking the paper on my robot.” – Alfie

Hopefully, tomorrow all the paper mache has dried. We will be painting on Wednesday as the Primary 5’s are out at swimming tomorrow and we don’t want them to miss out. Check our blog on Wednesday to see our robots coming to life!

This week I enjoyed…

“building the 3D robots because it was fun.” – Baighley

“adding all the 3D shapes together to create my robot.” – Taylor

“mixing colours during art because we had fun mixing primary colours on a colour wheel.” – Eva D

“learning about growth mindsets because it was fun.” – Ryan

“mixing paint. I learned about a new artist and looked at some of his paintings.” – Nicole

“building the 3D robots because I recycled all of my unwanted junk!” – Kieran

Next week we are looking forward to using paper mache to make our 3D robots strong and sturdy. After that, we will paint the robots using special metallic paint – we can’t wait!

Look back next week to see our fabulous robots!

Volcanoes Day 3

Explosive Volcanoes

Today we mixed vinegar, washing up liquid, water and red food colouring. We then added this to some bicarbonate of soda inside our volcanoes and there was a big eruption when all the chemicals mixed.

“The eruption was the best and coolest thing in the world!” – Iona

“I thought it was very cool!” – Kayleigh

“I mixed the bicarbonate of soda into the mix and it made the volcano overload with foam.” – Kieran

Have a look at our erupting volcano videos! 😀 (Videos will only play on a computer)