Category Archives: Social Studies

burns cottage

Primary 4/5 had a great day out exploring Burns cottage in Alloway!

We learned how butter was made in the olden days. Ladies would have to churn the butter. – Seren

I enjoy making the butter. We were in the winning team because only our team managed to make the butter. We used the pastry brush instead of the whisk. – Sophia F

I I liked learning about the chores Burns did in his cottage. – Finlay

We learned that whisks in the olden days were made out of horse hair. – Robyn

Burns mum would always sing to him at night and his aunt would tell him horror stories. – Jessica Q

I liked learning about how Burns lived. There were three rooms in the house. The bedroom/kitchen would hold 7 or 8 people. – Cole

We learned about different tools girls and boys would use. – Holli



Donald Where’s Your Troosers??


All week we have been practising our song and dance for the Scottish Assembly. We had great fun learning the words and coming up with different dance moves for our performance of ‘Donald Where’s Your Troosers??’

We were very nervous on the lead up to our big moment but when we got up on stage all our nerves were gone and we were fantastic…so fantastic that we even won first place!!

Well done to everyone for your fantastic performance, you were great! 😀 

“We were really confident and performed well!” – Anthony

“We had lots of fun and we were really happy to win first prize.” – Kayleigh

“When we won first prize we were all really happy!” – Darby

“We did really well performing in front of all the classes!” – Nicole

“We had a great time performing our Scottish song – we can’t wait for the next competition!” – Aimee

“We had lots of fun and we enjoyed winning the competition.” – Briony

Thank you very much to Mrs Stewart and the Competitions Council for organising the event – we had a great time and loved our prizes 😀 😀


Edinburgh Trip

We are very excited about our school trip to Edinburgh tomorrow! In the morning we are looking forward to visiting Greyfriars Bobby and in the afternoon we will be going on a spooky tour of Mary King’s Close! We learned lots about these places during our Edinburgh topic and now we cannot wait to visit them in real life!

The forecast is looking good for tomorrow and the sun is expected to be shining so please put on some sun cream before you come to school.

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Please remember to bring a packed lunch in a disposable bag so it can be thrown away when you are finished.


Hopefully, there will be an opportunity to visit the gift shop at Mary King’s Close so if you wish to buy something please bring some money – no more than £5.

You can come to school dressed down for the trip. We will be doing a lot of walking so please come wearing some comfortable footwear.

Finally, we are hoping to return to school at 3pm, traffic allowing! However, if we expect to be late we will contact the school as soon as we can and parents will receive a text message with an approximate return time.

 Check out our blog throughout the day tomorrow! We will be keeping you updated with our visit to Edinburgh and uploading lots of pictures!