Category Archives: Sciences

Friday Update

weekly-update-clipart-1“I enjoyed making the juices. It was fun to measure out the correct amount.” – Nicole

“This week in Maths I enjoyed making the potions when doing Volume, it was really fun!” – Ryan

“We have been learning about Volume in Maths. I liked measuring out the Sky Juice.” – Calvin

“I enjoyed making potions because I like mixing ingredients together.” – Aimee

“I learned that there are 1000ml in a litre. There are 500ml in half a litre.” – Darby

“When we were measuring we had to make sure we put the correct amount of liquid in – to do this we used the scale on the side of the measuring jug.” – Briony

Power Off and Learn Outdoors

Today we had a fantastic day learning outdoors. We took part in lots of activities like Hula Hoop Problem Solving, a Scavenger Hunt, Making a Habitat and creating a natural piece of art.

 “Today I enjoyed making my minibeast habitat. I’m sure they will love it! It was the best day ever.” – Anthony

“I enjoyed everything about today but my most favourite thing was making the minibeast habitat.” – Nicole

“Today I enjoyed moving the hula hoops without breaking the chain. It was good fun.” – Alfie

“I loved making the face made out of mud. It was even better because my team won!”- Eva

“Today my favourite activity was making the minibeast habitat. I enjoyed it because I liked gathering all the supplies.” – Caiden

“Today the best activity was searching around the Nature Garden. We loved making the habitat becaise we used stones and soil to put it together.” – Briony and Darby

Weekly Update


This week has been very busy in Primary 4/5. Read some of our comments to see what we have been up to.

“I enjoyed starting our new reading book – Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. My favourite part so far has been learning about the characters.” – Ross

“This week I enjoyed making fractions with pancakes in Maths. I enjoyed this because we got to eat them at the end and they were very tasty!” – Kieran

“This week I enjoyed playing with the different magnets and finding out which metals are magnetic. We tested different magnets to see which one was the strongest. The strongest one was the wand magnet.” – Darby

“Next week I am looking forward to creating a fraction pizza using halves, quarters and thirds.” – Anthony

“I was so happy when Iona returned to school yesterday. It was great to see her so happy to be back in class!” – Nicole

Welcome back Iona, it’s great to have you again! 😀

Volcanoes Day 3

Explosive Volcanoes

Today we mixed vinegar, washing up liquid, water and red food colouring. We then added this to some bicarbonate of soda inside our volcanoes and there was a big eruption when all the chemicals mixed.

“The eruption was the best and coolest thing in the world!” – Iona

“I thought it was very cool!” – Kayleigh

“I mixed the bicarbonate of soda into the mix and it made the volcano overload with foam.” – Kieran

Have a look at our erupting volcano videos! 😀 (Videos will only play on a computer)



Finding the Age of a Tree


On Friday we visited the Nature Garden to find the age of some trees. We found out that to find the age of a tree that has been chopped down, you can count the annual rings. If the tree hasn’t been cut down, you measure the circumference of the tree in centimetres then divide it by 2.5. You divide by 2.5 as this is the average size, in centimetres, of a tree’s annual ring.

Try finding the age of some trees next time you are at the park!