Category Archives: Personal Achievements

Weekly Update!

“This week I have enjoyed thinking of my own invention inspired by Willy Wonka.” – Nicole

“I’ve enjoyed painting the mural of Augustus Gloop for the wall display.” – Danielle

“I’ve loved the show practises this week, especially when we got to use the props!” – Eva

“I’ve enjoyed learning the show songs and dances.” – Aimee

“I can’t wait for the show rehearsal on Monday where we will get to wear our costumes!” – Darby

“In Maths I have learned that 1kg is equal to 1000g.” – Aidan

“I managed to complete four laps of the Daily Mile in 5 minutes 32 seconds, next week I will try to be even faster and get 4 minutes 30 seconds.” – Ross

“I’ve enjoyed creating collages this week, I liked working with other people.” – Kieran


Mrs Murdoch’s Mega Money

This week we introduced Mrs Murdoch’s Mega Money where we earn pounds for excellent work, visits to Mrs Hunter with great work, homework and every time we reach ten Dojo Points.

We came up with some fantastic ideas for prizes. Some of the prizes are A Special Lunchtime Treat, Teacher for a Day, Games During Assembly, A Trip to the Park with Friends and No Homework for a Week!! We had to check that these prizes were okay with Mrs Hunter because they are so fabulous!!

“I’m saving my pounds up to get a chance to use the fancy Emoji cushion. I need three more pounds!” – Anthony

“I am saving up for a Special Lunch. It costs 35 pounds but it is worth it because I will choose a McDonalds!!” – Eva

“I’ve earned one pound for handing in my completed homework on time. I want to win all the prizes but I’m saving up to be teacher for the day! I can’t wait to learn about some animals on that day!” – Darby

“Mrs Murdoch’s Mega Money is an amazing way to learn about honesty, respect and friendship. It is teaching me to look after my money. I am saving up for a trip to the park with my friends” – Megan

“I am really enjoying Mrs Murdoch’s Mega Money because it is teaching me to look after property and to be nice to other people. Pounds make prizes and I am saving up to be teacher for a day where we will learn about video games!!” – Ben

Sports Relief

Today we’ve had a fantastic time raising money for Sports Relief. All the money raised goes towards helping others – half the money stays in the UK and the other half goes towards helping people in other countries around the world.

“I really enjoyed running a mile for Sports Relief. I thought it was quite easy and even managed to do a little bit extra!” – Caiden

“I had fun playing games on the tarmac. I almost won but the time just ran out!” – Taylor

“Today I enjoyed playing games on the tarmac and cheering on Mrs Murdoch when she was chasing people in the class!” – Briony

“Today I enjoyed running the mile to help raise money for people who are less fortunate than us. I felt really proud of myself!” – Eva

This week in Maths we have been learning about Fractions, particularly equivalent fractions. Some equivalent fractions we learned are: one half is the same as two quarters, one third is the same as two sixths and one fifth is the same as two tenths.

We had great fun making pizzas to show equivalent fractions.

“I enjoyed making pizzas for fractions – they looked so delicious when they were cooked.” – Ryan

“I had fun making the pizzas, it helped me to learn more about fractions.” – Innaya

Friday Update

“This week I enjoyed our new Maths topic of Division. I also got full marks in my Multiplication Assessment, I can’t wait for another Maths Challenge!” – Anthony

“This week I enjoyed learning about an Osprey. I liked learning about migration and their wingspan.” – Briony

“I enjoyed doing division. It was fun doing our fact families in colours and it made it easier to see the inverse of multiplication.” – Ryan

“I really liked doing gymnastics this week. I go to a gymnastics club and it’s fun to learn new skills. I liked doing some balances with my partner.” – Nicole


Remember we are off on holiday on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday – we return back to school on Thursday!

Have a great holiday! 😀


Donald Where’s Your Troosers??


All week we have been practising our song and dance for the Scottish Assembly. We had great fun learning the words and coming up with different dance moves for our performance of ‘Donald Where’s Your Troosers??’

We were very nervous on the lead up to our big moment but when we got up on stage all our nerves were gone and we were fantastic…so fantastic that we even won first place!!

Well done to everyone for your fantastic performance, you were great! 😀 

“We were really confident and performed well!” – Anthony

“We had lots of fun and we were really happy to win first prize.” – Kayleigh

“When we won first prize we were all really happy!” – Darby

“We did really well performing in front of all the classes!” – Nicole

“We had a great time performing our Scottish song – we can’t wait for the next competition!” – Aimee

“We had lots of fun and we enjoyed winning the competition.” – Briony

Thank you very much to Mrs Stewart and the Competitions Council for organising the event – we had a great time and loved our prizes 😀 😀


Paper Mache Robots

Today we had great fun using paper mache to make our 3D robots strong and sturdy.

“I liked using paper mache for my robot because it was very messy!” – Innaya

“I loved doing the paper mache because it was fun and messy – afterwards my hands were very sticky!” – Kayleigh

“Today I enjoyed getting messy! The dried glue was peeling off my hands. I enjoyed making my robot stronger.” – Briony

“The paper mache was very fun. I liked sticking the paper on my robot.” – Alfie

Hopefully, tomorrow all the paper mache has dried. We will be painting on Wednesday as the Primary 5’s are out at swimming tomorrow and we don’t want them to miss out. Check our blog on Wednesday to see our robots coming to life!

This week I enjoyed…

“building the 3D robots because it was fun.” – Baighley

“adding all the 3D shapes together to create my robot.” – Taylor

“mixing colours during art because we had fun mixing primary colours on a colour wheel.” – Eva D

“learning about growth mindsets because it was fun.” – Ryan

“mixing paint. I learned about a new artist and looked at some of his paintings.” – Nicole

“building the 3D robots because I recycled all of my unwanted junk!” – Kieran

Next week we are looking forward to using paper mache to make our 3D robots strong and sturdy. After that, we will paint the robots using special metallic paint – we can’t wait!

Look back next week to see our fabulous robots!

2D Shape


2D Shape Robots

Today we had fun creating robots using 2D shapes. We experimented using different shapes for different body parts. 

“I had fun making my robot. I used a square for the head and rectangles for the arms and legs.” – Eva S

“Today I made a robot. I used a circle for the head and a rectangle for the body.” – Kai

“I used a square for the head and a rectangle for the body. I used more rectangles for the arms and legs then gave my robots wheels for his feet.” – Xander

“We made robots today. I made a bunny robot. I used a rectangle for the body and a square for the head. I used rectangles for the feet, legs and arms.” – Nicole

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Sports Day

On Friday, we had a fantastic day taking part in lots of  different activities. To begin with we started off at the Micro Fitness, where we got to try lots of new equipment like spin bikes, treadmills, cross trainers and rowing machines. It was great fun but hard work too!

After the Micro Fitness we went to the disco. The music was great and we had a fabulous time dancing with everyone!

Our next activity was the bouncy castle. We all had a fantastic time jumping about!

After break, we visited the potted sports area where we took part in football shootout, hockey dribble, basketball shootout and beanbag throw. We all  tried really hard to earn some points for our house!

After the potted sports, we took part in some football training activities led by a coach from Colts F.C. We all enjoyed learning some new skills!

In the afternoon we took part in orienteering. We worked in a group to find clues and come up with a secret message. We all had great fun trying to find the clues and solve the code! 

Finally, we took part in a scavenger hunt to find a variety of things in the Nature Garden. We enjoyed exploring outside and had fun trying to find a four leaf clover!!

2015 Summer Challenge


Today we were invited to Abronhill Library to find out about the 2015 Record Breakers Reading Challenge! The theme of the day was Record Breakers and we heard three stories narrated by Fergus and Ron of Mac-A-Story.

The first story was about Finn McCool who was a Knight in golden armour and needed helpers to assist him on his adventure to defeat the giant and reclaim stolen goods. In total he had seven helpers. Jody was the light fingered thief who helped to capture the goods and Dominic was the best archer in the land who shot the giant to defeat him!

The next story was about Atlantis who was a Princess who the fastest runner in the land. Nobody was able to defeat her.

The final story was about Thor, the God of Thunder who was the strongest person in the world. Christian was very lucky to be chosen as Thor and did a great job acting out each part of the story!

We are very excited to be taking part in the Record Breakers Challenge – if we want to take part we have to complete the registration card and return it to school tomorrow. The challenge is to read six books during the summer holidays.

Click the picture to find out more information.


‘I enjoyed hearing the stories and I would like to break some records!’ – Mariana

‘There were thousands of books in the library and the show was very funny!’ – Joshua

‘The show was really fun. I also got to see some friends from another school.’ – Beth

‘I enjoyed taking part in the songs and dances, they were fun!’ – Holly

‘I really hope we can beat the Record Breaker Challenge!’ – Megan C

‘I am looking forward to doing the challenge – I hope we break the record.’ – Megan R

‘It was hilarious and I had a brilliant time! I hope we break the record in the challenge, I’m very excited!’ – Jack Sm