Category Archives: Languages and Literacy

Weekly Update


This week has been very busy in Primary 4/5. Read some of our comments to see what we have been up to.

“I enjoyed starting our new reading book – Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. My favourite part so far has been learning about the characters.” – Ross

“This week I enjoyed making fractions with pancakes in Maths. I enjoyed this because we got to eat them at the end and they were very tasty!” – Kieran

“This week I enjoyed playing with the different magnets and finding out which metals are magnetic. We tested different magnets to see which one was the strongest. The strongest one was the wand magnet.” – Darby

“Next week I am looking forward to creating a fraction pizza using halves, quarters and thirds.” – Anthony

“I was so happy when Iona returned to school yesterday. It was great to see her so happy to be back in class!” – Nicole

Welcome back Iona, it’s great to have you again! 😀


Today we have been learning how to write limerick poems. We wrote a poem about Rex, a dinosaur in our class. It is very silly and we had good fun thinking of rhymes.

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We are now writing our own limericks about robots.

“I enjoyed thinking of rhymes and thinking of silly sentences!” – Darby

“I had fun writing a limerick poem and writing a poem about Rex.” -Aimee

“I had fun making silly sentences and making them rhyme.” – Ryan

“It was funny seeing Rex dressed with glasses and a mobile phone!” – Caleb