Category Archives: Health and Wellbeing

Weekly Update!

“This week I have enjoyed thinking of my own invention inspired by Willy Wonka.” – Nicole

“I’ve enjoyed painting the mural of Augustus Gloop for the wall display.” – Danielle

“I’ve loved the show practises this week, especially when we got to use the props!” – Eva

“I’ve enjoyed learning the show songs and dances.” – Aimee

“I can’t wait for the show rehearsal on Monday where we will get to wear our costumes!” – Darby

“In Maths I have learned that 1kg is equal to 1000g.” – Aidan

“I managed to complete four laps of the Daily Mile in 5 minutes 32 seconds, next week I will try to be even faster and get 4 minutes 30 seconds.” – Ross

“I’ve enjoyed creating collages this week, I liked working with other people.” – Kieran


Sports Day

On Friday, we had a fantastic day taking part in lots of  different activities. To begin with we started off at the Micro Fitness, where we got to try lots of new equipment like spin bikes, treadmills, cross trainers and rowing machines. It was great fun but hard work too!

After the Micro Fitness we went to the disco. The music was great and we had a fabulous time dancing with everyone!

Our next activity was the bouncy castle. We all had a fantastic time jumping about!

After break, we visited the potted sports area where we took part in football shootout, hockey dribble, basketball shootout and beanbag throw. We all  tried really hard to earn some points for our house!

After the potted sports, we took part in some football training activities led by a coach from Colts F.C. We all enjoyed learning some new skills!

In the afternoon we took part in orienteering. We worked in a group to find clues and come up with a secret message. We all had great fun trying to find the clues and solve the code! 

Finally, we took part in a scavenger hunt to find a variety of things in the Nature Garden. We enjoyed exploring outside and had fun trying to find a four leaf clover!!

Carnival Fun


Today we had a great time at the Primary 7 Carnival – we had lots of fun at the different stalls. We loved soaking the Primary 7’s, on the pitch we had to score into some hoops and in the hall there were lots of mini games.

“I had a great time at the Carnival – Soak the Primary 7’s was awesome!” – Jack Sm

“I had loads of fun at the Primary 7 Carnival! My favourite part was Lucky Dip.” – Xander

“I loved the Carnival! The best part was soaking the Primary 7’s, I got soaked too!” – Iona


Go Noodle!


Today we discovered Go Noodle, which is a website where we can do lots of fun activities in class like Zumba, Brain Exercises and Workouts! We enjoyed it very much, our favourite part was ‘Party Rock’ – here are some of our pictures!

“I really enjoyed Go Noodle, my heart was racing!” – Aimee

“I had an epic time, I really enjoyed it!” – Mariana

“It was the best activity ever because it was so much fun!” – Dominic

Lidl Health Bus


Primary Four enjoyed a fun filled visit to the Lidl Health Bus. On the bus we learned how to make delicious smoothies using different fruits and had great fun making them!

 In the hall we took part in team races collecting different fruits and placing them in baskets. We also learned about our heart rate and monitored our heart rates during the activity. It was hard work but we all had great fun!

 At the end of the visit we got our very own smoothie cups and a recipe book so we could make our own delicious smoothies at home.