All posts by Mrs Murdoch


Our new Maths topic this week is Division. We have been learning different methods of division. One method is ‘Sharing’ and another method is ‘Grouping’. We also found out that division is the inverse of multiplication so if we know our times tables we should find division a piece of cake!

Today we got the opportunity to group and share with some midget gems! It was really good fun and we enjoyed eating all the midget gems at the end!

‘Dividing with midget gems was magic!’ – Beth

‘Dividing with midget gems was awesome, we got to do some things we’ve never done before.’ – Liam

‘Today we were dividing with midget gems, they were very yummy!’ – Logan

Maths Challenges


Each day we enjoy taking part in different Maths Challenges to improve our speed and accuracy in different areas of Maths. Have a look at some of us taking part!

Click on the Maths Challenges section in the side menu and have a go at home! Have fun! 🙂

‘Flat Emily’

Today Primary 4 had a very special visitor called Flat Emily. Flat Emily is the creation of a girl called Emily who lives in America and is studying the book ‘Flat Stanley’, written by Jeff Brown. In the books, Stanley goes on many adventures, using the postal service to travel. Emily has used this as inspiration and is sending a flat version of herself around the world on many adventures. Today, she joined us in Scotland and has been having lots of fun in our school!


 Emily had many adventures around the school. She explored our Outdoor Area, became a Waste Warrior for the day and even joined in with our Zumba activity!

After school, Flat Emily joined in with our Choir who were busy rehearsing for our School Show ‘Annie’ and she also joined some children who are doing a Bikeability Course.

Emily is now away on some adventures with some children from Primary 4 – check back throughout the week to see some of the places she has visited.

Carnival Fun


Today we had a great time at the Primary 7 Carnival – we had lots of fun at the different stalls. We loved soaking the Primary 7’s, on the pitch we had to score into some hoops and in the hall there were lots of mini games.

“I had a great time at the Carnival – Soak the Primary 7’s was awesome!” – Jack Sm

“I had loads of fun at the Primary 7 Carnival! My favourite part was Lucky Dip.” – Xander

“I loved the Carnival! The best part was soaking the Primary 7’s, I got soaked too!” – Iona


Go Noodle!


Today we discovered Go Noodle, which is a website where we can do lots of fun activities in class like Zumba, Brain Exercises and Workouts! We enjoyed it very much, our favourite part was ‘Party Rock’ – here are some of our pictures!

“I really enjoyed Go Noodle, my heart was racing!” – Aimee

“I had an epic time, I really enjoyed it!” – Mariana

“It was the best activity ever because it was so much fun!” – Dominic

Lidl Health Bus


Primary Four enjoyed a fun filled visit to the Lidl Health Bus. On the bus we learned how to make delicious smoothies using different fruits and had great fun making them!

 In the hall we took part in team races collecting different fruits and placing them in baskets. We also learned about our heart rate and monitored our heart rates during the activity. It was hard work but we all had great fun!

 At the end of the visit we got our very own smoothie cups and a recipe book so we could make our own delicious smoothies at home.