weekly update!

‘I liked using different strategies to solve maths problems’ – Harry

‘I enjoyed doing division with remainders’ – Sophia F

‘I liked doing CLIC challenge in maths’ – Harvey

‘I liked doing different strategies to work out addition ad subtraction questions – Juan

‘I enjoyed song practise this week’ – Ellie-Mae

‘I liked drinking hot chocolate in our writing lesson. We got to smell the hot chocolate and drink it so we could come up with descriptions for our writing. – Hannah



I enjoyed learning about Hanukkah. It’s the festival of Light in the religion of Judaism. – Robyn

I enjoyed the pantomime. My favourite part was when Mr Young went on stage. – Kayden

I liked learning about division. I can divide 2 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers. – Cole

I enjoyed the pantomime. My favourite part was when Robin had the arrow. – Jessica H

I enjoyed looking at Bloom’s questions this week. I liked using different skills: remembering, understanding and creating. – Jayden

I learned how to divide. – Calvin