Friday Update

weekly-update-clipart-1“I enjoyed making the juices. It was fun to measure out the correct amount.” – Nicole

“This week in Maths I enjoyed making the potions when doing Volume, it was really fun!” – Ryan

“We have been learning about Volume in Maths. I liked measuring out the Sky Juice.” – Calvin

“I enjoyed making potions because I like mixing ingredients together.” – Aimee

“I learned that there are 1000ml in a litre. There are 500ml in half a litre.” – Darby

“When we were measuring we had to make sure we put the correct amount of liquid in – to do this we used the scale on the side of the measuring jug.” – Briony

ME Time Open Afternoon


“Today I enjoyed when my Mum came in. I liked showing her around the classroom and showing off my jotters.” – Nicole 

“I enjoyed going round the class with my Mum. She thinks the class is really interesting.” – Anthony

“I loved my ice cream sundae. I loved the taste and can’t wait to do it again.” – Iona

“At ME Time I loved playing Bingo. I won six out of seven games!!” – Aidan

“I enjoyed making different inventions with the play doh. My favourite was the never melting ice cream.” – Innaya

“During ME time I enjoyed using the Play Doh and making some of Willy Wonka’s inventions. I made an ice cream sundae and a Happy Meal.” – Megan

“I enjoyed making my Golden Ticket! I can’t wait to show it to my Gran.” – Darby