Power Off and Learn Outdoors

Today we had a fantastic day learning outdoors. We took part in lots of activities like Hula Hoop Problem Solving, a Scavenger Hunt, Making a Habitat and creating a natural piece of art.

 “Today I enjoyed making my minibeast habitat. I’m sure they will love it! It was the best day ever.” – Anthony

“I enjoyed everything about today but my most favourite thing was making the minibeast habitat.” – Nicole

“Today I enjoyed moving the hula hoops without breaking the chain. It was good fun.” – Alfie

“I loved making the face made out of mud. It was even better because my team won!”- Eva

“Today my favourite activity was making the minibeast habitat. I enjoyed it because I liked gathering all the supplies.” – Caiden

“Today the best activity was searching around the Nature Garden. We loved making the habitat becaise we used stones and soil to put it together.” – Briony and Darby

2 thoughts on “Power Off and Learn Outdoors”

  1. I loved polo day because when we were trying to put the hula hoop over our head it was challenging our self because we had to try and not use our hands.I also really loved the mud art because my team won and i loved gathering the sticks,wet mud,stones and leaves also putting it together.

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